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Travel Law: Hotel energy surcharges allowed under conditions

Not only private households, but also the tourism industry suffers from the increased energy costs. Many hotels charge extra for this. When are these allowed?

According to the Berlin consumer advice center, energy surcharges for hotels and hostels are legal, but must be made transparent at the time of booking. “As long as the accommodation makes additional costs such as the energy surcharge transparent and does not only inform the guest about it upon arrival at the reception, there is no legal reason against it,” says Josephine Frindte, a lawyer at the consumer advice center.

As a rule, the tariff that was agreed upon at the time of booking always applies. It is irrelevant whether this was done online or over the phone. The total price is decisive. “If such an energy surcharge only appears later when the bill is paid and thus increases the total amount, the surcharge does not have to be paid,” says Frindte.

Important: All of this applies to German accommodation, there may be different legal regulations abroad.

Written notice required for package tours

Providers of package tours must clearly indicate in writing any subsequent price increases before booking. According to the consumer advice centre, such price change clauses must not be formulated in an unclear manner or even consist of mere empty phrases. Otherwise they are ineffective.

If the clause is effective, the following still applies: the package tour price may subsequently be increased by a maximum of eight percent. In addition, according to the consumer advice center, the price increase must be announced no later than three weeks before the start of the trip. In the 20 days before arrival, price increases are ineffective. (dpa)

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