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Travel : Travel cheap: Eight tips to save money on vacation

Travel doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. With our eight savings tips, a well-deserved holiday is possible even on a small budget.

After three years full of restrictions caused by the pandemic, the longing for far away is great. However, high demand, rising energy prices and the inflation rate are driving up travel costs this year. But you don’t have to skip your vacation because of that. With these eight tips and tricks, you can get started even on a small budget Travel go.

Holiday savings tip 1: Find early booking discounts

Many tour operators want to plan the high season as far in advance as possible and therefore hire a contingent early booking places available. If you get there early enough and get one of these places, you can save a lot. The number of early bird places varies depending on the organizer. Offers that are released in November can even be up to 30 percent cheaper. As soon as the limited bargains are gone, there will be fewer or no discounts in the following months.

Holiday savings tip 2: Be flexible and take advantage of last-minute offers

Booking at the last minute can also be worthwhile. Admittedly, not everyone can and should take a vacation spontaneously. As a rule, permanent employees have to plan their vacation days and parents have to adapt to the vacation times of their children. But if you are flexible, you will find – with a bit of luck – the right one Last minute bargains. In the high season, the chances of remaining offers tend to be worse, but in the off-season you can save a lot.

Holiday savings tip 3: Save money with a package tour

Especially in tourism strongholds, eating out, swimming and other holiday activities are very expensive and often break the travel budget. At Package tours with travel, meals and activities for the whole family “all inclusive” you can sometimes get away cheaper in comparison. There are no expensive surprises and the holiday budget is kept. Some organizers also offer advantageous family packages, children’s discounts and fixed prices for children up to the age of 17.

Holiday savings tip 5: Rely on self-sufficiency

But not only “all inclusive”, but also the exact opposite can be a bargain. apartments without catering with a kitchen or kitchenette are the cost-effective alternative to hotels and daily restaurant visits. Meals and snacks bought at train stations or on city tours are often overpriced. To avoid this, you can prepare bread and fruit for the journey.

Holiday savings tip 6: Take free city tours

When you go on holiday to a new city, you naturally want to see everything. For city ​​tours tourists have to dig (very) deep into their pockets in many places. But you don’t have to do without it because of a small budget. In many metropolitan areas, visitors Free Tours offered. You don’t pay anything, but you can tip the tour guide.

Holiday savings tip 7: Book the flight early and choose the right flight day

Also at flights it is worth booking a few months in advance. At the request of “travel book“Torsten Schäfer, Head of Communications at the German Travel Association (DRV), confirmed that some tour operators offer their flights for the high season at a price reduction of between 20 and 40 percent in the period around the turn of the year and in the first months of the new year. The day of departure also makes a difference: flights on weekends tend to be more expensive, while flights on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are particularly cheap.

Holiday savings tip 8: Compare prices

Prices can often vary greatly depending on the tour operator. Over price comparison portals for hotel and flights like Trivago, Check24, Opodo or you can browse for bargains yourself and find out the cheapest providers. Also read: Last-minute travel provider in the test: This is the winner


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