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Travel with pets: Check the rules early on when vacationing with pets

Where to go with your dog or cat when you go on vacation? Some people simply take their pet with them. There are uniform rules within the EU, but there are also country-specific ones. Planning early helps.

No holiday without an ID card: Anyone traveling with their dog or cat within the European Union, Norway and Northern Ireland needs an EU pet ID card. The European Consumer Center points this out. Among other things, a valid rabies vaccination must be noted on the ID card, as well as the microchip or tattoo number of the animal.

However, other regulations may also apply in a country. For example, depending on the EU member state, the dog breeds classified as dangerous that are not allowed to be taken along vary. Some countries also have stricter requirements for tapeworm treatment.

No vaccination? That could mean repatriation

Planning ahead of time saves a lot of hassle: Information on the respective travel destination is available from the responsible embassy. Because if the necessary deadlines are not met, there are consequences. A dog that is not vaccinated can, for example, be transported back at the expense of the pet owner, or it must be vaccinated on site and placed in quarantine.

If you want to fly, you should also ask the airline about their regulations before booking. And special rules sometimes apply on buses and trains in the destination country, for example a transport box or a muzzle may be required. (dpa)

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