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Trends that set the course in decoration for 2023

The proposals regarding decor for the year that is coming they make homes friendly with the environment and the avant-garde lines. As can be seen on some platforms with Pinterest, changes are imminent.

Among the aspects that will change in terms of decor there is one that stands out and it is the spa-like bathrooms and designer showers. According to experts in interior design the shower will be the star and the ideal place to relax.

It will seek to mix modern art with ancient objects.

As noted in the posts, the decor The bathroom ceased to be something more similar to a totally hygienic and white sanatorium and became a place to enjoy body care.

Another of the points that the professionals of the style It is the rise of hydro-architecture. This is related to ecology since water conservation will focus on the house and consumption levels.

White colors help to have harmony in the house.

The great investment, especially by the youngest, will be to include elements to collect water in barrels for the rain and also with the creation of drought-resistant gardens, which will generate more sustainable homes.

Regarding the details relics, second-hand objects and those antiques that were inherited from grandmothers will prevail. Although some understand it as a way of recycling, for many others it is a way of revaluing the past.

The plants will give harmony and oxygen.

Baroque and with fantasy

As regards cutting-edge trends in the decor there are some proposals that are related to the movements of fantasy and psychedelic art. “Vintage decoration with mushrooms”, “funky decoration” or “freaky wall panel” were already shown as options.

The use of recyclable material will be essential.

The way in which the entrances, doors and facades are decorated will also be revalued. This space is the business card of our home. It will be necessary to make the best use of it so that it is a good opening to our life.

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