Trump team sues creators of The Apprentice movie

CANNES.- Former US President Donald’s campaign team Trump announcement to sue the authors of the film The Apprenticepresented in the Cannes Festival, because they consider it to be garbage.

The film, a supposed chronicle of Trump’s first years as a real estate developer in New York, is a ruthless satire of the character, and includes a rape that the former president, who is once again a presidential candidate, would have committed against his wife in the little, Ivana.

“This garbage is pure fiction that makes a scandal of lies, which were debunked a long time ago,” explained the Trump team’s communications director, Steven Cheung.

The film, in contention for the Palme d’Or, is the first foray into Hollywood by the Danish director of Iranian origin Ali Abbassi, and received good reviews from the press at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, which presents its awards on May 25.

Sebastian Stan’s performance as Trump

Sebastian Stan, known for superhero movies Marvel, plays Trump; while Jeremy Strong, famous for Successionplays his ruthless mentor and lawyer Roy Cohn.

“Donald’s team should wait to see the movie before they start suing us,” Abbasi told reporters. “I don’t necessarily think this is a movie that he wouldn’t like… I think he would be surprised,” he added.

The most controversial scene is that of Trump raping his first wife, Ivana, after she belittles him for gaining weight and going bald.

In real life, Ivana accused Trump of raping her during divorce proceedings, but later retracted the accusation. She died in 2022.

Abbasi was unconcerned at Cannes, saying: “Everyone talks about him suing a lot of people. They don’t talk about his success rate.”

The Apprentice are released while Trump is on trial in Manhattan for a sordid scandal involving a porn star.

It arrives just months before the United States presidential elections, in which Trump maintains a tight competition with Joe Biden, according to polls.

“We have an upcoming promotional event called US elections, which will help us with the film,” Abbasi joked, suggesting it could premiere around the second debate between Biden and Trump in September.

The Apprentice begins with a young Trump, obsessed with joining the city’s elite and dreaming of his own luxury hotel, even as he spends his days collecting rent from his father’s tenants.

His life is transformed by an encounter with Cohn, whose nihilistic lessons such as admit nothing, deny everything, and attack, attack, attack will become Trump’s manifesto in later life.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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