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TV macho convicted of Nazi slogans – Hitler scandal about Stoltenberg grandson

Cologne – It’s good that grandpa didn’t have to experience that…

Gerhard Stoltenberg († 2001) was Minister of Defense under Chancellor Helmut Kohl († 2017), his grandson Henrik (26) has been touring through TV shows such as “Celebrities under Palm Trees” (Sat.1) and “Love Island” (RTL2).

Henrik Stoltenberg (26) likes to stage himself as an influencer, here naked on a horse

Photo: Christian Knieps

But then the Stoltenberg grandson fell completely out of character. At 1 a.m. on July 9, 2022, he roared “Heil Hitler” at the top of his lungs from the window of his Cologne apartment. Police officers took his personal details.

Four weeks later, Stoltenberg rioted at around 5:20 a.m., knocking down construction site signs. When the police stopped him, he yelled, “Shit kanaks! You’d have to cut everyone’s throat.”

On Wednesday, Stoltenberg stood before the Cologne district court for incitement to hatred and the use of anti-constitutional symbols. A police officer testified that the politician’s grandson refused to show his ID: “He told us that you have to know him and that he doesn’t need to show his ID.”

Henrik’s grandfather Gerhard Stoltenberg was also finance minister and prime minister in Schleswig-Holstein

Photo: picture alliance / Ulrich Baumga

“I’m not a racist”

In the process, the saying-knocker was quite subdued: “I was very drunk on the two days, but I’m not a racist. I’m sorry about the whole thing now.”

The court sentenced him to a fine of 15,000 euros. Stoltenberg had previously been convicted of assault, attempted coercion and fraud.

Henrik Stoltenberg now lives in Moers (NRW) and had to appear in Cologne for the trial

Photo: Mario Jüngling

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