Two Catch a Million contestants lose all their money on the first question: What have we done?

The large television networks in our country continue to reinvent themselves with the return of illustrious contests that said goodbye in their day, but that have returned with renewed air. It is the case of Catch a millionquestion format that presented Carlos Sobera between 2011 and 2014, where participants came with the aim of getting one million euros, a quite complicated task.

Now the contest has returned to the Antena 3 screens, but with Juanra Bonet to the controls. The last installment, broadcast this Saturday, featured Laura and Itziartwo great friends who met in high school, who had the goal of taking a little money to treat themselves, but it didn’t happen despite having started with a million euros.

It may be the shortest program in history

The journey of both in Catch a million It went awry when the presenter asked the first question, which read as follows: Which of these dishes has cuttlefish among its ingredients?a question accompanied by the following options: Crusted rice, fried chocos, bravas potatoes and four caas. The contestants expressed their confidence when they saw the possible answers. He would say it’s rice with a crust, the fried cuttlefish are squidsaid one of them.

A reflection that supported the decision to put all the money in the first trap door, but it was not the most appropriate. It may be the shortest program in history, they stated before knowing the answer, and they were right. QThey lost a million euros when they found out that the correct option was fried pussies.

It’s a typical tapa prepared with sepia. The contestants, visibly dejected, expressed their discomfort at not having distributed the money in the rest of the boxes. What have we done?they lamented.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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