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Two women rented an apartment and denounced being watched with hidden cameras

Two women rented an apartment and denounced being watched with hidden cameras

Since then, the platform has experienced exponential growth, reaching more than six million active ads worldwide until the end of 2022, according to its web portal.

For example, recently the case of two content creators was known, who made use of the Airbnb applicationin order to find the perfect property to enjoy a few days of your vacation.

According to what happened, everything happened when one of the victims was preparing to change, but her intuition and distrust led her to inspect the place, which they had reserved for two days, as shown in one of the recordings.

I didn’t feel safe at the Airbnb

Noticing the find, the young woman alerted her friend, showing her the small device that could have been used for eavesdropping and recording.

Upon arrival, the Police could not do anything, since, according to his testimony, “they were not prepared to investigate it.” In addition, they did not find electrical connections that could serve as evidence, which is why they did not take action.

This made the fact even more worrisome, because, according to the young women, this enclosure may be being monitored, putting the integrity and privacy of its guests at risk.

It was then that Airbnb told them that they would investigate what happened and Additionally, they were reimbursed the full amount of the cost of the reservation of the apartment in which the cameras were found.

On the other hand, they also offered accommodation for the days that the young women needed in another place without them having to pay rent.

Until now, The video has more than 15 million views and thousands of comments. In fact, after publishing what happened, the user @katelyn_boss19 has published other videos in which she clarifies some questions for her followers about the event.

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