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‘Tyler Rake 2’, Chris Hemsworth, and a sequence shot to remember

Action cinema raises new ideas every day. The public is demanding more and more. It is no longer enough to see firearms, jumps into the void or explosions. This idea is more and more notorious, and it is also kept in mind by directors as Sam Hargravethe culprit of having mixed all those ideas in a film that will undoubtedly remain to be remembered, ‘Tyler Rake 2′.

Released this Thursday, June 15 on the Netflix platform, it brings together all the possible qualities of action cinema. A film that also has as its protagonist a Chris Hemsworth (Tyler Rake) as a hero, again, although not alone, because he accompanies him Golsifteh Farahani (Nick Khan). In short, two heroes not only on the big screen, but also on the set, since the work has been so real that Hargrave himself has come to appreciate it in an interview in which he has attended AS: “I think it’s better if you can let the audience see what the real actor or actress is doing.”.

And it is that in a film with so much action, Hargrave still wanted to surprise the spectators with a sequence shot to rememberwith a scene in prison in which no camera or post-production cuts were made: “The biggest challenge is the part of communication with all departments. It’s also hard to hold the shot for so long.. They are much longer scenes and you have to have more stamina, more training”.

But, for Golsifteh it is not only based on the physical aspect: “For me it has been mainly the mental aspect, because each scene has to be good enough, and if something goes wrong, whatever the moment, even if it’s at the end, you have to repeat everything, and sometimes you have to repeat it 30 or 40 times”.

She in particular, in words to AS, assures that the mental preparation has been just as demanding as the physical one: “When you work with all these people, with all these specialists, you realize that they are very strong physically, but also mentally. You usually feel weak when you’re in your head. We were always told to stay centered in the body”.

Chris Hemsworth, Sam Hargrave, Golshifteh Farahani and Olga Kurylenko at the premiere of the movie, ‘Tyler Rake 2’.Jose Ruiz / Europa PressEuropa Press

Because making an action movie is already a challenge in itself. Even more so after a few years in which special effects overcome a reality in which Sam Hargrave seeks to maintain himself with films like ‘Tyler Rake 2′, although also offering small scenes full of fantasy: “The public is getting smarter. There are a lot of directors and people who do the action fantastically well, but it’s not a competition either. The idea is to have a different point of view, and the aspect of entertaining the public is more and more complicated, which leads you to have ideas as crazy as landing a helicopter on a moving train”.

The union of action and drama, vital

“Maybe you are just looking at something that has been created with a computer, but it doesn’t do anything to you. The most difficult thing is to offer something that is not only spectacular, but also gives it a dramatic touch.. Unite those action scenes with something that is emotional ”, added Farahani.

But… action movies have also suffered various blows in recent times, such as the accident in ‘Rust’, which has made Hollywood rethink the use of blank weapons. “For me safety is the most important, especially when dealing with weapons or vehicles. I come from the world of specialists, so for me the bar has always been very high, and my idea was to be able to continue with my work and that nothing happens. If you do this once, do it twice, especially in the wake of the events that have occurred.”

Nik Khan, a sample of the evolution in the cinema

Last but not least, the role of Golsifteh Farahani should be highlighted. She, like Chris Hemsworth, is on the front line of the battle. “We have been able to see what the relationship between Nik and the protagonist is like, but he is also the same in the fights, he fights the same as the rest of the men and retains the aspects of the woman. Women can be fighters like men, but at the same time be different. In the world we’re in today It seems that we want to make women look exactly like men, but no, they have to manage to keep that woman aspect at the same time, and in this film we see it.. She is not an object of desire, but rather she is an active part of the fight, ”concluded the actress.

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