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UK student who threw eggs at king denies threatening behavior

The student who threw eggs in the direction of King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla in early November pleaded not guilty this Friday during a hearing at York Court.

A student accused of throwing eggs at King Charles III in York (northern England) last November denied in court on Friday any threatening or abusive behavior.

At a hearing in a court in York, Patrick Thelwell, 23, pleaded not guilty to using threatening or abusive behavior or words.

His trial is set for April 14 and according to his lawyer, Nicola Hall, he will have to determine whether his actions can be considered “a legitimate demonstration”.

“He will defend the idea that his actions were necessary and part of a mobilization against the establishment,” said the lawyer again during the hearing.

“Bad taste”

Patrick Thelwell was arrested on November 9 by police after throwing eggs at King Charles III on a trip to York with his wife, Queen Consort Camilla. None had reached the monarch.

Last week, a 21-year-old man was fined 100 pounds (about 112 euros) for throwing an egg at the king in December during a trip to the impoverished north London town of Luton.

He told the police that he found the visit “in bad taste”.

Arrived on the throne in September after the death of Elizabeth II, Charles III is much less popular than his mother and sees the beginning of his reign shaken by the publication of the explosive memoirs of his son Harry.

Another 21-year-old Briton appeared on January 13 in Westminster court for similar facts. Prosecuted for breach of public order, he pleaded guilty.

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