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Ukraine special evening: beware, France 2 is changing its programs this Thursday, February 16

This Thursday, February 16, France 2 will devote its entire evening to the war in Ukraine, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the conflict. With a unique device and special programming.

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On the occasion of the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, France 2 will devote its entire evening this Thursday, February 16 to monitoring and the consequences of the conflict. A new device called Ukraine: an endless war? which will bring together all the journalists and news magazines of the channel. With in opening A 8 p.m. news special, presented live from Kyiv by Anne-Sophie Lapix. “This special is a very strong moment for the editorial staff and more particularly for the special envoys who cover the conflict with courage. I presented a news from Ukraine in March 2022, two weeks after the outbreak of war. A year later, it was important to go back there, especially to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people” the public service journalist told us a few weeks ago.

The special device of France 2 for Ukraine: an endless war?

Then, from 8:40 p.m., Elise Lucet will take over with a new number ofCorrespondent. The journalist from Cash Investigation went there to shoot several subjects. Therefore, the episode ofsuch a big sun is deprogrammed. Third part : The Event at 10:10 p.m.. Caroline Rouxwill interview specialists in diplomatic and military matters live” including Dominique de Villepin. Will follow Tristan Waleckx with Additional Investigation at 11:10 p.m. and his report War crimes: the real face of the executioners followed by “the exclusive interview of a former Wagner mercenary“. Eléonore Gay will take over with We Europeans at 12:15 a.m.. Finally, at 00:45, France 2 will offer a rebroadcast of a subject of 1:15 p.m. on Saturday (Odessa, night and exile).

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War in Ukraine: French journalists mobilized

France 2 is not the only channel to mobilize on the occasion of this sad anniversary. Last Sunday, Anne-Claire Coudray was also relocated to Ukraine the time of a special page of his 8 p.m. news on TF1. A defining moment which gathered 6.4 million viewers (30% of the public). As for BFM TV, Marc-Olivier Fogiel told us in December that the offer of long-formats from Ligne Rouge would, this month of February, focus on Ukraine.

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