Desempleo en Colombia

Colombia received good news regarding its unemployment ratesince in June there was a significant decrease of 9.3%according to the director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), Piedad Urdinola. This figure represents a return to single-digit terrain in the unemployment rate, after having reached a worrying 11.3% a year ago.

According to the DANE, in June the employed population had a considerable increase of 1,030,000 people, reaching a total of 23,052,000 employees. This increase in employment has been a key factor in the decline in the unemployment rate. On the other hand, the unemployed fell by 419,000 people, reaching a total of 2.3 million people without productive employment.

It is interesting to note that there is a gap between unemployment rates for men and women. For the sixth month of the year, unemployment for men stood at 7.7%, while in the case of women, the figure was higher, reaching 11.6%. This highlights the need for continue implementing gender equality policies in the labor market.

Regarding the economic sectors that are boosting employment, the areas of public administration, professional activities, transport, artistic activities, accommodation and commerce have shown a positive performance. This information demonstrates the diversity of job opportunities in different fields and highlights the relevance of sectors such as tourism and culture in the generation of employment in the country.

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Cities with the highest and lowest unemployment in Colombia

On the other hand, when analyzing the cities with the highest unemployment rates in June, Quibdó leads the list with a worrying 26.7%, followed by Ibagué with 16.1%. These figures show the need to focus efforts and specific policies to promote employment in these localities.

In contrast, some cities have managed to maintain lower unemployment rates over the same period. Bucaramanga stood out with 8.1% unemployment, while Santa Marta and Medellín registered 8.7% and 9.2% respectively. These cities can serve as models and references to understand the successful strategies that they have implemented to face unemployment.

It is essential that the government and the economic authorities continue working together to maintain the downward trend in the unemployment rate and continue promoting job creation in all regions of the country. This can be achieved through the promotion of policies that stimulate investment and sustainable economic growth, as well as the promotion of training and education programs to strengthen the skills of the labor force.

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