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United States: Prince Harry’s book sold 1.4 million copies on the day of its release

This data concerns physical sales, but also digital sales of the book in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The Penguin Randon House publishing house revealed on Wednesday that Prince Harry’s memoir, titled The alternate, 1.4 million copies had passed on their first day of sales, a record figure for a non-fiction book.

These data relate to the sales of physical books, but also audio and digital, in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, indicates the agency AP, relayed by the HollywoodReporter.

For comparison, Michelle Obama’s event book took a week Become to reach 1.4 million copies sold. Barack Obama, also published by Penguin Random House, had sold 887,000 copies of the first part of his memoirs, A promised land.

“Looking at these extraordinary numbers for the first day of sales alone, readers clearly agree: ‘The Substitute’ is a book that begs to be read, and one that we are proud to publish,” said Gina Centrello, President of the band Random House.

130,000 withdrawals in three days in France

The alternate, whose publication had been delayed due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, shakes the British monarchy by delivering many details on its operation, but also on the difficulties encountered by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle.

Among other details, the Duke of Sussex reveals in his memoirs a violent altercation with his brother William, called one day to ascend the throne, but also the degrading remarks allegedly made by his father, the current sovereign Charles III, to his against.

In France, the French publisher of Substitute Fayard said the book, initially printed at 210,000 copies, has already reached 130,000 reprints in three days.

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