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Unknown dancer slaps Helene Fischer on the butt several times at the “Rausch” concert

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Pop singer Helene Fischer (38) is known for her elaborate stage shows. Now she got her ass slapped on stage at the concert in Stuttgart – in her agreement.

Stuttgart – Helene Fischer (38) delighted a total of 55,000 fans in Stuttgart’s Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle from May 2nd to 7th. The hit queen is currently on her “Rausch Live” tour through Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Dancer slaps Helene Fischer several times on the “Rausch” tour in Stuttgart

During the performance of the pop singer in Baden-Württemberg, the singer seems to have had a lot of fun. A dancer slapped her on the buttocks several times during the joint performance on the third day. The clearly rehearsed choreography can be seen on the Instagram page of a concert photographer. The 38-year-old lifted her stage outfit for her dancer’s hands. They both smiled at each other and continued.

The fans seem to be delighted with the video. “But the two have fun,” says the comment column. “Whether Thomas had fun after he saw it,” says another fan. He alludes to Thomas Seitel (38). Fischer’s partner is also active as a dancer during her performances. The two have a daughter together.

Pop star Helene Fischer gives everything

At the start of the tour in Hamburg on April 11, the couple provided an emotional highlight: During their song “Hand in Hand”, Fischer and her partner rose into the air on ropes. The shirtless Seitel yearned deeply for his sweetheart and left the stage with her – matching the song – hand in hand.

Fischer has big plans for the “Rausch Live” tour: a total of 70 dates in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are on the pop queen’s calendar. The next stop on May 10th is in Bremen. She will give three concerts in the Hanseatic city. The grand finale will take place on October 8th in Frankfurt.

During her “Breathless” performance at the concert in Stuttgart, Helene Fischer (38) had a sound breakdown. Source used: Instagram

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