UP treats a law to protect Airlines and promotes another for the Conicet

The pro-government Unión por la Patria front continues with an agenda of the Chamber of Deputies aimed at polarizing with the candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Miley, winner of the presidential primaries. On Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., the General Legislation commission will discuss a draft maximum kirchner to restrict the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas, a ghost that UP stirred up during the campaign before an eventual opposition victory. In parallel, the deputy Marcela Passoclose to Sergio Massapresented a project to guarantee the continuity of the Conicet, which the economist proposed to close.

as explained Letter Pthe first initiative to confront Milei was presented this Tuesday by the deputy Ramiro Gutierrez, who also comes from the Renewal Front, the party of the Minister of Economy. The legislator proposed increasing and extending the penalties for the sale or trafficking of organs, practices that the libertarian proposes to legalize.

Kirchner’s project that will be debated on Tuesday proposes that the sale of State shares in Airlines requires two thirds of the members of Congress, a majority impossible to achieve without the current ruling party, an equation that will not change with the legislative change in December.

“We must put a limit on those who, disguised as efficient private managers, the only thing they have done is use the State as the source of financing for fat personal businesses to the detriment of our country,” said the former head of the pro-government bloc, when he presented the project one month ago.

At that time, in the ruling party they did not imagine a victory for Milei in the primaries and the project was aimed at polarizing with JxC. With the libertarian triumph, the debate will serve to match the economist with the candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrichas you suggested Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to Massa.

The urgency in dealing with this project was reflected by a change in the agenda arranged this Thursday, when the continuation of the Impeachment Committee, which is carrying out an accusation process against the four Supreme Court judges, was postponed until Tuesday the 29th. of Justice. He was cited for the third time Marcelo D’Alessandrothe former Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Security, accused of agreeing with the magistrates of the highest court on the precautionary measure that increased the co-participation to the City.

In defense of the Conicet

During one of her first television interviews after the PASO, Milei showed the organization chart that she imagines for her government and said that she would eliminate the National Council of Science and Technology of the Argentine Republic (Conicet). She managed to get Bullrich and Massa to agree to question it, but the pro-government candidate wants to take the debate to Congress.

Deputy Passo’s project proposes “to guarantee the permanence, stability and adequate financing” of the Conicet, which she considers as the “National Bastion of Research and Excellence”. She also proposes to create “a mention of high honor, with the figure of the prize “Conicet”, to reward “capacities, skills, research and contributions in all fields of its concern and freed for global use and enjoyment”.

“The initiative seeks to create a framework of stability, recognition and encouragement for flagship work that must be preserved over time, regardless of the governments,” said Passo, who is a member of the Frente Renovador. Who should define when the project is treated is the radical Facundo ManesChairman of the Science and Technology Commission.

for public education

In an interview conducted this Thursday, Massa anticipated that the anti-Milei agenda will expand in the coming weeks with a law to increase spending on education, which is 6% of GDP. The debate will be useful to ratify the free nature of public education that the libertarian wants to debate.

With the same objective, pending projects could be addressed to create more universities, some claimed by the Radical Evolution bloc, identified by Martin Lousteau, such as those of Saladillo (Buenos Aires) and San Francisco (Córdoba). The referent of that bench is Emiliano YacobittiVice Chancellor of the UBA.

“I do not imagine the radicals voting against public education,” challenged the Minister of Economy, interested in the votes of that force that accompanied the presidential candidacy of Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, which Milei himself acknowledged that they are not from “his fish tank”. Massa wants them for his.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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