npc, non-playable character, is a very popular acronym in the world of video games that will indicate every person in a video game that is not directly controlled by everyone. Quello che forse non sapete, è che in certi ambienti giovanili e sui social media ha sui asunto anche i connotati di un insulto.

From the moment that i non-giocanti characters are privi di volontà own and costretti to repeat the actions for the quality are static programmed, the finished NPC comes used from such a come an insult to all’intelligenza altrui.

On March 22, around the Thomas Lake Shopping Center in Mill Creek, in the state of Washington (USA), Johnny Federov and his friend of the year have heard from each other Joshua David Pencea twenty-something who in that moment crossed the street sulle strisce pedonali, Calling it “NPC”. L’uomo, di tutta risposta, has cornered and two ragazzi inside a business of the Dollar Tree chain, where he has shot out a cotello and accoltellato più volte l’undicenneferendogli il polmone e il fegato.

Reporting it is Fox 13 Seattle. L’undicenne, che per volere dei genitori è rimasto anonymous, è stato subito portato in ospedale ed è fortunately sopravvissuto all’attacco. After three days of cure, he returned home to his family, which has given him via a fundi fundi to his GoFundMe to support the cure. The other ragazzo, Johnny Federov, ne è uscito indenne ma alquanto spaventato. The microphones of Fox 13 Seattle have contacted you I do not expect a general reaction from the uomo: “We believe that we will be safe at the Tree Dollar store. This is what we thought. When I saw him throw away the collar, ho capito che non era uno scherzo”. Federov was a short distance away when he had accoltellato his friend of 11 years.

Joshua David Pencefrom his song, he was arrested with two different chargesone for armed assault and another for assaulting a minor, while the deposit is fixed at 500 thousand dollars.


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