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Useful tips for the home: why it is better to be barefoot

The custom intensified in the pandemic and many decided to adopt it in the home as a healthy option. What is said is that wearing shoes inside the house is somewhat dirty and science supports that it is better to leave them at the door.

As experts in domestic matters say, there is no better idea than taking off our shoes before entering our home. For health experts, the proposal is to walk barefoot at home to promote circulation, improve sleep and reduce inflammation.

The little ones will improve their posture if they walk barefoot.

According to a study carried out by environmental chemists who studied the contaminants that could be in each homethe shoes took all the prices. Entering with those shoes that we wear on the street will only carry dirt and bacteria.

About a third of the matter that accumulates inside our living place it comes from outside, argue those in the know, and much of it comes from the soles of shoes. There they detected a large number of microbiological pathogens.

The dirt in the house comes largely from outside.

Debris from paved streets and chemicals from lawns can cause diseases that are very difficult to eradicate. But in addition, this is compensated by another very interesting custom that is to take off your shoes from the street but remain barefoot.

In certain cultures, leaving your shoes at the door is a sign of respect. Walking barefoot is considered by reflexologists to promote circulation, improve sleep quality, and stimulate reflexes on the sole of the foot.

To harmonize they suggest being barefoot and with succulent plants.

found voices

Just as there are many reasons that reveal that being barefoot in our home it brings many benefits, there are also voices against it. Not everyone is willing to take their shoes off in other people’s houses and there are not many who like that the visit is barefoot.

The floor of the home must also be kept clean.

For these conflicting positions there is a solution that will do everyone good. Indoor slippers can be kept near the entrance door so they don’t have to be completely barefoot. If they are shy visitors, shoe covers can be provided.

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