We know that we are living through a very complicated situation, but there is always an opportunity to move businesses forward, since new ideas are born from crises. The day of love and friendship is very special and people are always looking for something special to give away, so it is time to apply the strategies.

The celebration of Valentine’s Day is an excellent opportunity for various economic sectors and ventures that seek to increase the sales of their business. During the last years, the rate of consumption of Peruvians on this date has increased, having reached last year 73% of people who made the purchase of a gift or special detail, according to a study by Global Research Marketing.

Edgar Javier Hernández, director of the Professional School of Administration and Marketing at the Autonomous University of Peru, says that it is very important to prepare a marketing campaign or strategy in advance, since there are many brands that want to be present on this day. But the secret is also that entrepreneurs make the effort to think outside their comfort zone and bet on disruptive things, thus they will be able to impact both the mind and the heart of their client.

A personalized packaging or highlighting the products that were previously related to the theme. Photo: Pexels.

In line with this, the specialist exposes some strategies that, beyond the category in which they are found, will serve to boost sales and make the most of this celebration:

plan ahead

It is suggested not to leave everything for the last day, since during the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, people already begin to search for the gifts they plan to buy, so it is essential to have everything prepared in advance and stay ahead of the competition.

Tailor the product or service

Everything that characterizes this day, such as love, friendship, romanticism, partner, etc. it has to be visible in the products or services that are provided. For example, creating packs for the occasion, personalized packaging or highlighting the products that were previously related to the theme.

Take advantage of SEO trends

This is a tool that optimizes a web page so that it appears organically in Internet search engines like Google. Using the keywords related to the topic or highlighting the content of this trend from the main tab will help to find the product or service more easily.

Special sales

As every year, the competition is going to be excessive, so it is important to captivate the customer with a special promotion. It can be with free shipping, discount coupons, raffles, additional gifts, in short, there is a range of possibilities.

The choice of suitable offers, the management of the service (online or face-to-face) and above all, treating customers with care.  Photo: Pexels.

The choice of suitable offers, the management of the service (online or face-to-face) and above all, treating customers with care. Photo: Pexels.

Boost your social networks

Today more than ever social networks are key to the development of any business. It is suggested to target the publications from the beginning of February, using them to give visibility to all the aforementioned points.

“We must also remember that, although digital strategies are very important, other fundamental factors such as internal organization, the choice of suitable offers, service management (online or face-to-face) and above all, treating customers must not be neglected. customers with love “, concludes Hernández.

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