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Valeria Roggero, Foquita’s niece, revealed that she is pregnant and happy

HELLO MY BARRUNTO. I arrive packed to tell you the latest Chollywood gossip… After undergoing a few touch-ups on her face, SAMAHARA LOBATON Criticism has rained on her and she says her lip augmentation doesn’t look natural and she’s on her way to being the successor to SUSY DIAZ. Asuuu… Yesterday he said goodbye FERNANDO DIAZ of the newscast ‘ATV Edición Matinal’ and was moved to close this stage of his professional life, since we will see him very soon in Latina. Hits…

PIGEON FIUZA he took the first flight to Brazil to spend the holidays with the family. The girl is still injured, so take care of yourself… ALDO MIYASHIRO and ERIKA VILLALOBOS They were together in the promotion of their son who finished school and they looked very proud. Good… The footballer PATRICIO ALVAREZ He returned to Lima to spend Christmas and immediately went to visit his girlfriend, the model GIULIANA BARRIOS, whom he showered with kisses. Ayayayyy…

VALERIA ROGEROniece of JEFFERSON FARFAN, revealed that she is pregnant and happy. She has a relationship with the Colombian soccer player Dylan Borrero… Well, I’m running away because my sweetheart has promised me a delicious champagne and it makes me lose my mind… Suuuaaaveee.

Tepha Loza regretted that people attack her on social networks when she lives without harming anyone

Valeria Piazza renewed her contract with America TV for the fifth consecutive year

Francisca Aronsson clarified, once again, that the girl who appears in an intimate video is not her: they put her face

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