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Venezuelan elections 2024, live: latest news on protests and opposition reactions to Maduro

Venezuelan elections 2024, live: latest news on protests and opposition reactions to Maduro

China calls for “respect for the Venezuelan people’s choice”

China on Tuesday called for “respect for the election made by the Venezuelan people,” after some countries and organizations cast doubt on the legitimacy of the presidential elections in which the current president, Nicolás Maduro, was re-elected.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian stressed at a press conference today his belief that “The Venezuelan people and government are capable of managing their own internal affairs.”

Asked whether China believes the election reflected the will of Venezuelans, Lin simply asked again that “All parties respect the choice made” by the citizens of the Caribbean country.

This Monday, China congratulated Venezuela for a “successful” election and Maduro for his re-electionafter the National Electoral Council (CNE) of the South American country announced its victory in the elections held this Sunday.

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