Venezuelans flock to voting centers this June 28

CARACAS.- Since early morning, Venezuelans They are in long queues at the doors of the centres voting to exercise their right to vote and elect the next president of the Republic on July 28, with the hope of a change in Venezuela.

THE AMERICAS DAILY He made a tour of the different voting centers in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Caracas, to verify the situation of the main voting centers and to get a feel for the atmosphere that exists since the evening hours, prior to the electoral elections.

In the central municipality of Libertador, at the voting center at the Andrés Bello High School, lines of citizens were seen waiting to vote. Some of them complained that the process was delayed.

Voter Janeth Nieto, 45, said she had been in line for more than an hour and was not moving forward, while others were shouting “we want to vote, we want to vote,” but then the flow began.

At the Fermín Toro high school, in the center of Caracas, where more than 8 thousand voters vote, in conversation with DIARIO LAS AMEÉRICAS, they ratified their commitment to voting as the only way to political change in Venezuela.

Venezuelans’ commitment to change

“Today I was motivated to vote by my duty as a Venezuelan. I hope for the best, because there was always hope that we could get out of these 25 years of misery and destruction,” said voter David Alarcón, 61.

In El Paraíso, Gabriela Hernández, coordinator of the voting center at the Colegio San José de Tarbes, said that the process was proceeding normally and that since Saturday night there were already people queuing to vote.

In the municipality of Chacao, east of the capital, hundreds of people were queuing at the voting center located at the Institute of New Professions, which opened one hour late. It was reported that two machines had malfunctions but CNE technicians managed to resolve the incident.

Also in El Hatillo, located in the southeast of Caracas, at the La Boyera Sports Center, the second largest voting center, voters began lining up at 4:00 am. The tables were fully set up at 6:30 am, that is, half an hour late, but the process went smoothly. At this center, one of the machines failed around 7:30 am, but the problem was resolved half an hour later.

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Few incidents inside Venezuela

Reports from across the country indicate that the process is proceeding normally at this time (10:30 am local time), after some incidents were reported on the night of July 27.

In the interior of the country, a large turnout of voters was reported at polling stations located in the rest of the country’s main cities.

In Táchira state, citizens reported in the border town of El Palotal that a group of pro-regime motorcyclists fired shots into the air near the voting center where there was already a line of voters.

In La Guaira, a coastal municipality in the north of the country, voters reported that logistics personnel carrying food and other supplies for the witnesses were not allowed to enter. This occurred at the Santo Domingo de Guzmán electoral college in Caraballeda.

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Source: routes, networks

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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