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Very hot days, South Florida expects a rest of the week with high temperatures

Very hot days, South Florida expects a rest of the week with high temperatures

MIAMI.- As of this Tuesday, it is forecast that the south of the Florida will experience a wave of heat considerable, with highs that will touch 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a peak on Sunday.

Forecasters warn that this week could set a historical heat record for the region, with low probabilities of rainsso the skies begin to clear and a bright sun can be seen.

This Tuesday the 12th, a mostly cloudy day was expected in South Florida, with a maximum temperature of 79°F and a minimum of 66°F. The chances of showers were shown at 0%.

The authorities recommended stay hydrated and protected from the sun during the hottest hours.

Sunrise on Tuesday was expected at 7:32 a.m. and sunset at 7:28 p.m.

The forecast for next weekend is even more scorching. Temperatures are expected to reach near 90 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday, so it’s important to prepare for summer-like weather.


This is the weather forecast from this Tuesday to Sunday:


Mars: 82°F (28°C) maximum, 64°F (18°C) minimum.

Wednesday: 84°F (29°C) maximum, 68°F (20°C) minimum.

Thursday: 84°F (29°C) maximum, 68°F (20°C) minimum.

Friday: 86°F (30°C) maximum, 70°F (21°C) minimum.

Saturday: 88°F (31°C) maximum, 72°F (22°C) minimum.

Domingo: 90°F (32°C) maximum, 72°F (22°C) minimum.

Rain Chances:

Mars: 0%

Wednesday: 10%

Thursday: 0%

Friday: 0%

Saturday: 0%

Domingo: 0%


Authorities advised taking measures to protect yourself from extreme heat, such as the following:

Hydration: Drinking enough water is essential to stay cool and prevent dehydration.

Protector solar: Apply sunscreen and wear light clothing to avoid sunburn.

Shelter in cool places: Seek shelter in air-conditioned places during the hottest hours of the day.

Remember to follow the recommendations of the authorities and take care of yourself during this heat wave. Stay cool and safe.

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