Very soon Trump will announce his running mate. Who are some candidates?

Last week, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS published an article about Rubio’s statements regarding the possible vice presidency in the Trump administration, if he reaches the White House again.

Some names have been buzzing for weeks, according to some analysts and media outlets in the United States. Trump has also always shown his interest in having a woman as vice president of the country.

Tim Scott

The former president constantly praises the loyalty of the African-American senator from South Carolina, Tim Scott, who at 50 years old is a former candidate for the White House.

“You are a much better candidate for me than you have been for yourself,” he said at a rally.

With Tim Scott as his right-hand man, Trump could hope to win over black voters, who preferred Joe Biden in the 2020 elections.

Scott’s career goes far beyond winning votes, however. He has had a notable presence within the Republican Party and is a strong supporter of conservative values ​​and the American awakening through the MAGA Movement.

And despite false criticism accusing Trump of being racist, the senator always inspires the admiration of the 45th President of the United States for his impeccable professional, political and family career.

Marco Rubio

The relationship between Donald Trump and Marco Rubio strengthened during his stay in the White House. Rubio is a staunch anti-communist activist and his position has always been firm against the regimes of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, North Korea and the extreme left governments in Latin America such as the case of Evo Morales in Bolivia, the Kirschners in Argentina, Rafael Correa in Ecuador and now in Colombia Gustavo Petro.

After the debates for the primary elections in 2016, Rubio has defended the former president after the visible political persecution of which the former president is a victim by the Joe Biden government and the extreme left.

Since then, both appear to have buried the hatchet. Rubio has said that he has never had a tense relationship with Trump, even though the liberal press is determined to continue to give that image to Americans.

Rubio, a 52-year-old senator, has been closely involved in geopolitical, national security and foreign policy issues in Latin America. He could also give him valuable support among Hispanic voters.

If elected, Rubio could become the first Hispanic vice president of the United States, with a recognized track record in state and federal politics.

The Cuban-American senator said in a recent interview that the list is made up of between 10 and 15 candidates, an advantage that the Democrats do not have, immersed since the Obama era in a leadership crisis that the media and legislators hide as a great secret, but that It is visibly noticeable. Just betting on Biden confirms the above.

In the last two decades, the Democratic Party has become a monolithic bloc centralized by an extreme left, which imposes an essentially globalist and anti-American agenda and seeks to transform Western capitalism into a kind of China-style communist regime. Their goal is to eliminate all conservative economic and sociocultural values ​​upon which this nation was founded.

Doug Burgum

The governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, is unknown to public opinion, but an attractive and prestigious figure for the former Republican president.

Burgum made his fortune as the head of a software company, which he sold to Microsoft for more than $1 billion, but he has extensive knowledge of economics and business relations and politics that could serve Trump very well for his plans.

As governor, Doug Burgum enacted one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country, a decision that could backfire in this presidential campaign in which the issue of voluntary termination of pregnancy is very sensitive.

However, the former governor has very valuable opinions similar to Trump’s on how to lift the US economy and what the nation’s role should be regarding central issues such as the fight against terrorism, the government’s fiscal waste, state bureaucracy. and federal and the education of conservative values ​​in schools with the fundamental role of parents.

J.D. Vance

JD Vance, 39, has not been a fan of Donald Trump since his beginnings, something that the former Republican president reproaches him for; However, he does not rule it out either, another of the actions that demonstrate Trump’s ability to recognize people’s talents above differences.

The liberal media has created the false image that Trump is like a dictator, when the opposite is true. The big difference with politicians is that Trump always demands results even with himself from the bureaucracy of Washington and state governments.

This former military man and senator from Ohio, known for having published a best-selling book about the white working class of the United States, has just entered politics but his profile is arousing interest in Republican circles.

What draws attention above all is his ability to raise large sums of money for his Party and achieve the sympathy of followers for his charisma and his positions against the advance of the extreme left in the country.

Other possible candidates

The names of New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, former Housing Minister Ben Carson and Senator Tom Cotton are also circulating, but their possibilities seem limited for the moment.

So are those of businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, Congressman Byron Donalds and former television presenter Kari Lake.

Donald Trump’s advisers have refused to give details about the profile sought by the former White House tenant.

“Anyone who claims to know who or when President Trump will pick his vice president is lying,” one of his advisers said. “Unless that person’s name is Donald Trump.”

That is to say, everything that the media states at this time is based on pure speculation or perceptions that may or may not be accurate.

Source: With information from AFP.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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