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Video: Artificial Intelligence Midjourney Now Shows Pope Francis Dancing Hip-Hop As A Rapper

He Pope Francisco once again becomes a Trending Topic and a global viral phenomenon with the appearance of new images of it generated through the Artificial Intelligence of Midjourney.

In the first wave, which half the world already saw, we observed the pontiff with all the flow we could conceive of wearing fashionable clothes and reinventing the aesthetics of the Vatican’s dress codes.

The realism of these AI-generated images was so brutal that many thought they were real photographs and that the pope had lost his mind making the decision to be in the latest fashion.

It took a very short time to realize that it was a series of digital images with a high degree of elaboration, where only the symmetry of the accessories (such as the crucifix) and the hands of the high priest revealed that it was a mounting.

However, the viral phenomenon was enough to plant the debate on the scope of this new technology and what could be generated through platforms such as Midjourney in the wrong hands.

The debate was still active and with a high degree of arguments when a new viral phenomenon emerged with the same protagonist. Where things have been taken one step further.

Pope Francis now dances hip-hop like a rapper in new viral video made by Artificial Intelligence

Through TikTok and other social networks a new video has become extremely, replicated by multiple accounts, where we see Pope Francis dancing hip-hop in a spectacular and realistic way.

This compilation, only 41 seconds long, shows us a total of 70 images created by Midjourney’s AI, where we see the 86-year-old Pope dancing very happily and enjoying the music with a lot of flow:

The video is priceless and becomes one more element for debate, where the pontiff himself has already spoken on the subject, with a call for the ethical use of this kind of technology:

“I am convinced that the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the potential to contribute positively to the future of humanity; we cannot rule it out.

At the same time, I am confident that this potential will only be realized if there is an ongoing and consistent commitment from those who develop these technologies to act ethically and responsibly.”

In fact, not long ago, personalities such as Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and even Elon Musk himself, owner of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, asked to put a stop to this maelstrom.

Raising the possibility of suspending the development of these Artificial Intelligence systems for half a year to dedicate that time to creating regulatory and transparency measures to ensure control of these platforms.

In any case, it is a fact that technology advances too fast.

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