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Video: They filter a fight between Shakira and her ex-mother-in-law

From the Editorial Office / El Diario de Juárez

Monday, January 23, 2023 | 23:12

The separation of Shakira and Piqué continues to give people something to talk about after the leak of a video on Twitter in which the Colombian singer is seen arguing with her former mother-in-law.

Users of social networks expressed indignation when they saw the images showing a tense scene in which Montserrat Bernabéu (visibly upset) grabs Shakira’s face and then asks her to shut up with a gesture.

One of the most widespread complaints on social networks is that Piqué, who was present during this action, did not defend the singer, but rather remained on the sidelines without getting involved despite his mother’s behavior.

Other users showed empathy for the interpreter of “Te Felicito”, since they consider that she had to endure a lot during their relationship.

The singer has just been recognized as the most listened to Latin artist on Spotify, since it belonged to Bad Bunny, for her song “Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53”.

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