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Vikings Valhalla season 2 (Netflix): the end explained

On January 12, Netflix unveiled season 2 of Vikings: Valhalla. A sequel eagerly awaited by the platform’s subscribers who have discovered a new salvo that is as bloody as it is surprising, and full of twists and turns! If the editorial staff of Télé-Loisirs has not at all validated these new episodes which make you “lose life points”, the series is however in second position of the Top 10 Netflix. In these new episodes, Freydis Eriksdottir is pregnant and she had to say goodbye to Leif Erikson, her brother, and her partner Harald before her trip to Jomsborg. After Freydis left, the two men decided to go to Nóvgorod with the aim of seeking help from Harald’s uncle who is none other than Yaroslav the Wise. The goal ? Form an army to attack Olaf. But Yaroslav’s refusal changes the situation. Harald therefore has another plan: to go to Constantinople to sell furs. With the money from the sales, he intends to form an army to fight his half-brother. Harald has every intention of taking the throne of Norway that King Canute had promised him.

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A complicated journey for Harald and Leif

But things quickly get complicated for Harald and Leif. Within the group that has been formed, there are many disagreements. Once they arrive in Olbia, half of the group is already dead. But the survivors finally land at the point of arrival, Constantinople. It is then that Harald discovers the treasure that Vitomir had entrusted to him and it is absolutely not a reliquary. In reality, he asks her to keep Elena, his daughter, who pretended to be a man to travel discreetly. To thank him, Vitomir then offers Harald to choose what he wants. The latter having no idea, the emperor offers him one of his rings.

Freydis, stronger than ever!

As for Freydis, she managed to arrive in Jomsburg to give birth to her child. But here too, things are about to go wrong. Harekr tries to kidnap the newborn and kill her. Freydis manages to escape thanks to Jorundr. But he pays for this betrayal when the townspeople learn what he has done. Result ? They try to stone him.

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An explosive fight between Olaf and Freydis

Olaf then finds Jorundr to extract information from him in order to attack Jombsorg and assassinate Freydis. But Jorundr falls into a trap and Freydis challenges him to a one-on-one fight. She then sets fire to the oil that she has discreetly thrown into the sea. All of Olaf’s ships catch fire. Olaf and Freydis then fight and she ends up killing him with her sword. Just before dying, Olaf tells her that she made him a martyr. Before her last breath, the young woman reminds her that no one is alive to tell her story.

Peace is back!

Rather than murder Sven at the Forked Beard, Freydis ultimately decides to bring him back to Kattegat. She thus concludes an agreement with Queen Ælfgifu. In exchange for Sven, she wants peace and eventually leaves. The queen then opens the temple of Jomsborg to all the inhabitants of the city. This puts an end to the inequalities they may have suffered in the past. And as Freydis leaves to return to see her baby and her people, a woman asks her if she is the Keeper of the Faith. To which, she answers “yes” by finally accepting her place as leader of the Vikings. So peace has returned, but for how long? This is surely the question that will be addressed during season 3 of Vikings: Valhalla.

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Vikings Valhalla season 3: what is the release date of the series on Netflix?

Season 3 of Vikings: Valhalla will premiere in 2023 on Netflix, as told by the creators of the series. The filming of the new episodes has also been completed for several months. We will therefore have to arm ourselves with a little patience before being able to discover this third season which will be composed of eight episodes.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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