Violence against elected officials: “We must not have democratic disenchantment” says Romain Colas, mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine

On the same subject

Violence against elected officials: "We must not have democratic disenchantment" believes Romain Colas, mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine

Violence against elected officials: “We must not have democratic disenchantment” says Romain Colas, mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine

Violence against elected officials: more than 1,000 mayors have resigned since 2020

Violence against elected officials: more than 1,000 mayors have resigned since 2020

Nadine Morano (LR): "Rather than imposing centers for migrants everywhere on the territory, we should first ask the agreement of the population"

Nadine Morano (LR): “Rather than imposing centers for migrants everywhere on the territory, we should first ask the population for agreement”

Saint-Brevin: tense exchange between Nadine Morano and Raphaël Glucksmann, who made the mayor of Saint-Brevin applaud in the European parliament

Saint-Brevin: tense exchange between Nadine Morano and Raphaël Glucksmann, who made the mayor of Saint-Brevin applaud in the European parliament

Saint Brevin: "On the ultra-nationalist channels, we celebrate because we pushed back the Republic" says Raphaël Glucksmann

Saint-Brevin: “On ultra-nationalist channels, we celebrate because we have pushed back the Republic” says Raphaël Glucksmann

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: "It is an acknowledgment of collective failure" for Romain Colas, PS mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: “It is an acknowledgment of collective failure” for Romain Colas, PS mayor of Boussy-Saint-Antoine

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: "These demonstrations were not organized spontaneously by citizens" believes Raphaël Glucksmann

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: “These demonstrations were not organized spontaneously by citizens” believes Raphaël Glucksmann

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: "What makes me angry is the triumph of hate" says Raphaël Glucksmann

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: “What makes me angry is the triumph of hatred” declares Raphaël Glucksmann

Ultra-right: a long underestimated threat for political scientist Erwan Lecœur, specialist in populism and the French far right

Ultra-right: a long underestimated threat for political scientist Erwan Lecœur, specialist in populism and the French far right

Saint Brevin: "We know who called for this tense climate (...) it was the far right" says Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (France land of asylum)

Saint-Brevin: “We know who called for this tense climate (…) it is the far right” says Najat Vallaud-Belkacem (France land of asylum)

Johanna Rolland (PS mayor of Nantes): "We are calling for a large rally in Saint-Brevin on May 24"

Johanna Rolland (PS mayor of Nantes): “We are calling for a large rally in Saint-Brevin on May 24”

"He wasn't helped, I think most locals get it"in Saint-Brevin, the inhabitants divided on the resignation of the mayor

“He was not helped, I think most people understand it”, in Saint-Brevin, the inhabitants divided on the resignation of the mayor

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: "Every time someone is threatened with death, there must be a very harsh reaction" for Jérôme Marty (French Union for Free Medicine)

Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: “Every time someone is threatened with death, there must be a very harsh reaction” for Jérôme Marty (French Union for Free Medicine)

  Saint-Brevin: indignation

Saint-Brevin: indignation


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