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Vitaa collaborates with her 12-year-old son on a song and reveals tender details about their relationship

This Wednesday, September 13, 2023, Vitaa was the guest on the show Daily on TMC to promote his new album Charlotte. The singer took the opportunity to speak in complete transparency about her eldest son, Liham, now 12 years old.

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Vitaa is a happy mother. Last year, she notably gave birth in April 2022 to a daughter, Noa. Currently in full promotion for the release of his new album, Charlotte, she continues to reveal the underside of this new project long awaited by her fans. Last July, its subscribers Instagram were able to discover the filming of the clip for its title Things We Do. The interpreter of Night confessions with Diam’s took the opportunity to publish rare photos of his daughter behind the scenes. This Wednesday, September 13, 2023, Vitaa was invited to the set of Daily. The opportunity for her to also declare her love for her big boy, Liham.

Vitaa’s tender confidences to her son Liham

Despite the arrival of her youngest, Vitaa has not forgotten her two eldest children. On the set of Daily, she indulged in some confidences about the oldest of her three children, Liham, 12 years old. “He is a fan of rap and urban music“, we learn from his mother who discovered her son’s hidden talents. Without hesitation, she therefore asked him to participate in her new album: “He’s my son, the big one. I discovered that he had talents as an author. I wanted to have his voice in the song. I said to him: ‘Wouldn’t you write little interventions between the verses?’ and then, we put his voice on the title.” “I wanted to tell my fears, the fact that my son, one day, will leave. My son is getting married. We have a very, very strong bond.” she confides about writing Your lover, the very last song on his record. A real mother hen!

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Vitaa: a mother proud of her children

Vitaa shares the life of Hicham Bendaoud. The couple married in 2010. From their union three children were born: Liham (12 years old), Adam (8 and a half years old) and Noa (15 months). One thing is certain, the artist is a proud mother of her offspring and does not hide it on social networks. But for reasons of ethics and protection, she never shows her children’s faces. “They didn’t choose to be the children of a singer, to be the children of someone famous. I want them to be like everyone else“, she said in May 2023 to Nikos Aliagas in 50 Minutes Inside.

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