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Wanda Nara’s daughter made a decision and chose Mauro Icardi

Almost every week Wanda Nara adds a new controversy to his life. Now, after confirming and reconfirming her final separation from Mauro Icardi, she was linked to another soccer player, who is married and has children.

But, one of the things that drew attention in the latest stories of Wanda Nara, was Francesca’s reaction to a follower’s query. The cosmetics businesswoman enabled the Instagram question box and there the totally unexpected interaction took place.

Wanda’s last trip to Dubai aroused suspicion.

Wanda Nara He filmed himself with his eldest girl while answering the followers and made her a participant in each of the questions received. One of the Internet users wanted to know if she had the media wanted to live in Argentina, to which she answered in the affirmative, while the girl mentioned: “Yes, but with daddy.”

The biggest surprise came when a web user asked who he chose, his mother or father. Wanda He expressed himself in favor of his mother, but little Fran opted for his father, Icardi. Zaira’s sister started laughing and screaming, as she didn’t expect her daughter to not choose her. While she seemed to take it humorously, the decision to upload said video was at least eye-catching.

what about wanda

In that same round of interaction with his fans, Wanda He took the opportunity to deny the rumors that he was dating Keita Baldé, Mauro’s former Inter teammate. The situation became at least controversial, since the man in question would not be separated and many journalists insist on having evidence that would leave no doubt about this romance.

“Simona has received the photos of Wanda and Keita in Dubai. And I have seen a photo of Wanda Nara with Keita in a hotel room in Dubai”, were the words of the Spanish journalist Jordi Martin, in dialogue with “Intruders”. He was in charge of confirming the relationship and added: “Wanda spoke to Simona and asked her to let her live her story with Keita because she is no longer her wife. Wanda says: ‘I’m not with Mauro, this man is not with his wife, I’m going to Dubai’, Wanda confirmed it to me. I messaged Wanda on Instagram, she gave me her phone number and I called her. We were talking for an hour. She explained many things to me. Be careful with Simona ”.

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