Tajik can thus be at full speed back to the central board of the Labor Party.

County leader Frode Fjeldsbø in Rogland Labor Party confirms to VG that they want Tajik to step back into the role of deputy leader of the party.

– Rogaland Ap wants and is strongly in favor of Hadia Tajik as the new deputy leader of the Labor Party. The board had a meeting on Monday and has asked me to convey a crystal clear message, and that is that we want Hadia Tajik as deputy leader of Ap again, says Fjeldsbø to VG.

He does not want to elaborate on TV 2.

– I am referring to what I have said to VG. Beyond that, I have no comment, writes Fjeldsbø in a text message.

HUNGRY FOR A COMEBACK: Hadia Tajik, here with a glazed apple she posed with at the request of TV 2’s photographer. Photo: Ingvild Gjerdsjø / TV 2

Will be deputy chairman again

Tajik is originally from Bjørheimsbygd in Strand municipality in Rogaland. She is registered in this municipality, but currently lives in Sørenga in Oslo.

TV 2 is aware that Hadia Tajik and several of her close supporters have long wanted a comeback for the Roglander. Initially, the aim has been to get Tajik back in the post of deputy. Tajik has also spoken to sources TV 2 has expressed a desire for it.

– I am happy to have my home county behind me and grateful that so many people from all over the country in our organization have encouraged me to run, says Tajik to TV 2 about the action from Rogaland Ap.

– If the election committee and the national assembly also want it, then I am ready to take responsibility in the leadership of the party. Beyond this, I do not intend to say much more about this now, it is important that the selection committee is given peace of mind to work and that the process is allowed to take its course, she continues.

It was only last week that the national board of Labor appointed an election committee, chaired by LO leader and central board member of Labor, Peggy Hessen Følsvik. The committee has its first meeting today.

AUF wants Tonje Brenna

But Tajik is not the only one who is wanted for the vacant deputy chairman post.

A unanimous central board in the youth party AUF has, on the contrary, launched knowledge minister Tonje Brenna as the new deputy leader candidate.

– We at AUF have announced that we want Tonje Brenna as deputy chairman. Then there is a democratic process that takes place in the party, where the organization is free to enter names for the election committee. We will take up the debate around other names in the election committee, says AUF leader Astrid Hoem to TV 2.

THE YOUTH'S FAVORITE: Education Minister Tonje Brenna has been proposed by a unanimous central board of AUF as the new deputy leader of Ap.  Photo: Per Haugen/TV2

THE YOUTH’S FAVORITE: Education Minister Tonje Brenna has been proposed by a unanimous central board of AUF as the new deputy leader of Ap. Photo: Per Haugen/TV2

Akershus Ap, which is Brenna’s home county, will not say anything about the case now.

– Akershus Ap relates to the party’s election committee and will decide on the further process when we receive a letter from the election committee, says county leader of Akershus Ap, Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt.

Brenna herself has not answered how she will stand for a possible candidacy.

LO chief open to Tajiks

In an interview with TV 2 in January, Følsvik stated that she had “no fences” against Tajik or others in the Labor Party if they were nominated as candidates for the central government.

This despite the fact that Følsvik was one of the three powerful leaders in the trade union movement who last spring pressured Tajik to resign as Minister of Labour.

A few days later, she also resigned as deputy leader.

The departure came after that VG revealed that in 2006 Tajik was given tax-free commuter accommodation after submitting a lease which she never used. This happened while she was working as a political adviser in the government apparatus.


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