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War Russia – Ukraine and Israel – Palestine, live: Zelensky, searched and captured in Russia

War Russia - Ukraine and Israel - Palestine, live: Zelensky, searched and captured in Russia

Macron calls to “not close any doors” in the conflict between Ukraine and a Russia that “does not set limits”

French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized Russia’s role as a “destabilizing power” in Europe and, in the context of the conflict in Ukraine, has encouraged the rest of the continent’s countries to “not close any doors” since the Russian “enemy” “sets no limits.”

“Russia, as a strategic power, no longer gives us any visibility. Today it has decided to resolutely become a destabilizing power that does not put strategic limits on its action,” argued the French president in an interview for La Tribune Dimanche collected by ‘Le Figaro’.

In this sense, Macron has denounced that Russia no longer has “a declared strategic objective” in Ukraine as at the beginning, that of “saving the Ukrainian provinces (oblasts) that had declared their autonomy,” and has argued that “all visibility must be removed, because that is what creates the deterrence capacity.”

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