Just beginning the year, a stroke of luck puts Marcelo Ebrard like the new corcholata favorite for 2024. And not because he is better, more honest or more likeable, but because his companion Claudia Sheinbaum he was practically out of the fight.

As a welcome for this 2023, the tragedy once again marks the government of sheinbaum with another fatal accident, now on Line 3 of the Metro, while she was happily going to continue her early presidential campaign.

She was barely recovering from the mistreated president for promoting on billboards throughout the country, when the most important transportation system in CDMX ran over her again.

The deadly accident occurred early on Saturday, a day that, according to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, it’s work. Perhaps for knowing the spoiled, Claudia apply to it the scheme of the English week.

As part of her advanced campaign, the official had seized the roads of Michoacán when, at 9:16, there was a mishap at the Potrero Metro station, where users were left to fend for several minutes.

Even four people were pressed in the wagons for hours, while, an hour later, the Mobility Secretary arrived, Andres Lajousand still later the director of the Metro, Guillermo Calderon.

Be supposed to Claudia he entrusts him shed to the Secretary of Government, Marti Batresthe same person who does not know how to count and who at first saw only 14 wounded, although there were 60. Probably he was still wearing tight chinguiñas and that is why his calculations failed him.

Faced with the pressure of social networks, the head of government had to take a Michoacan government helicopter as an air taxi and, with everything and that, she arrived three hours after the tragedy to take photos hugging the wounded and comforting their families, as if out campaign.

At the same time, employees and militants of the 4T made calls not to politicize the matter, although they themselves politicized it by calling to support the head of government, as they said that she was the victim of attacks to harm her candidacy.

As if the victims and users of the Metro gave a damn about his candidacy. The brown they wanted to put sheinbaum as the victim, when in reality she is responsible; she appoints the directors of the STC, as she was Florence Serrania.

And, believe it or not, he also sent Ernestina Godoy to visit the wounded and swear to them that they would do justice. as if the carnal had some credibility; is an employee of Claudia And it only works for her.

sheinbaum she has been the most negligent governor with the Metro in the last 40 years and, unfortunately for her, this happens to her while the presidents of the United States and Canada are in Mexico. What a pity with her visits, but at least they already got to know a little about her.

Surely, in the Palace they will blame calderon and this time they will be right: it was calderonbut William, the director of the Metro; not Philip.

Due to its bad government and the tragedy of Line 12, in 2021 Claudia lost the capital Now, with the L-3, even in Morena they already see it peels and they ask that Marcelo speed up your heating, because it will probably go in as new corcholata favorite.


Despite Ovidthe Metro and the visit of the presidents of the US and Canada, we must not forget that the UNAM is analyzing today the case of the minister pirate yasmin esquivel. Although she has already been prevented from being president of the Supreme Court, she copied a thesis to qualify as a lawyer and she would have to be removed. For my race the spirit will speak.

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