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We introduce you to Go-Jo, the Australian pop rock promise who knew how to take advantage of TikTok

We introduce you to Go-Jo, the Australian pop rock promise who knew how to take advantage of TikTok

There are those who believe that the TikTok algorithm shows you things that leaves you nothing. However, this application has been widely used for independent musicians to release their songs and they reach a lot of ears around the world. Just like what happened to Go-Jo, a musician with a lot of talent who knew how to take advantage of the platform.

They probably don’t locate this Australian artist, and we understand it, since he hasn’t had the boom that his solo project deserves, despite the fact that he has been releasing interesting songs for a long time. However, in 2023 the name of Go-Jo exploded thanks to a song that went viral on the video application and we are sure that it will continue to give people something to talk about. That is why we present this great musician here.

Go-Jo is one of the artists with a great proposal who knew how to get the most out of TikTok/Photo via Instagram: @heyimgojo

Who is Go-Jo?

Go-Jo is the stage name of Marty Zambotto, musician and producer originally from Manjimup, a town near the Australian capital, Perth. From a very young age he was interested in music, since his father was a drummer and his mother was his singer. Thanks to the influence of his family, this young artist managed to find a unique style and was able to pursue a career composing and playing songs.

At six years old, Marty began to play the piano, and almost at the same time he was encouraged to write his first songs.. Thus he spent a large part of his adolescence, composing songs in his room, until in 2016 he released his first single as Go-Jo, “Incredible”which had some impact on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

Over time, He continued to release a ton of music independently as Go-Jo and even started collaborating with other up and coming Australian artists., such as Emma Carn and Drugz300. Two years after releasing her first single, she returned with “With You”, a song that little by little made noise thanks to social networks, one of the tools she uses to promote her music.

By 2019, Go-Jo did not stop recording and composing songs. Throughout that year she released a couple of great songs like “Ship in a Bottle” y “Phases” (along with singer Troves), but his releases still didn’t have the listens he considered, they were the ones they deserved. That’s why he came up with an idea that many independent artists would later do: upload videos on TikTok.

Given the increase in popularity of the video platform, Go-Jo found a space for thousands of people all over the planet to listen to his music. First, began to publish covers of songs by various artists that he liked, like Coldplay, Fleetwood Mac, Justin Bieber, Bon Iver, and many more. Thanks to this step, an audience began to be gained in the application.

Later, Go-Jo uploaded clips where his own songs can be heard, which created an expectation among the people who already followed him. This is how this young artist began to become known in the internet of things. However, this way of promoting his music got out of control and all because of a video that went mega viral (but we’ll get to that later).

In 2020 and despite the pandemic, Go-Jo continued to release songs, including “No One Else,” “Say Something,” and even posted an emotional cover of the Goo Goo Dolls’ “Iris.”, which broke it on streaming platforms and on his TikTok account. From that moment on, His musical career took off, but an important push was still missing for his proposal to sound everywhere.

During 2021 and 2022, Go-Jo spent his time releasing a bunch of raffle-heavy singles, como “Thank You Mum”, “White Lies”, “You Don’t Love Me”, “Backseat”, “Better Off”, “Fuck Being Sad”, “Missing You”, “See You in La”, y “Double Down”, with which he finished polishing his project, he continued to win fans on social networks and gained attention in the independent scene of Perth.

“Mrs. Hollywood”, the role that made Go-Jo viral

However, the following year the song appeared with which, as they say, “he took it out of the stadium.” And we do not say it lightly, because In March 2023, Go-Jo released “Mrs. Hollywood ”, a song that she started promoting with some videos on TikTokwhere we see him playing it in the streets, in the food court of a square and challenging random people to play a solo for this song.

It was thanks to one of these clips and the catchy melody that Go-Jo’s single went viral., to a level that surely not even he imagined. To give you an idea of ​​how great it was with this song, that the musician bagged 160,000 new followers on Instagram and 5 million views on TikTok… that’s how important it was that he started using the video platform to give him flight to their songs through social networks.

As if it weren’t enough to get a hit after a long time breaking stone, in mid-2023, Go-Jo launched his first tour as a solo artist, giving several concerts in the largest and most important cities in Australia. And without a doubt, we bet you what you want that this year it will fully consolidate and reach the corners of the planet that it lacks.

What makes Go-Jo special?

Without a doubt, Go-Jo is part of the new generation of raffle artists that Australia has been giving us in recent years. And it is very easy to connect with his music, because His musical project combines genres such as rock, pop, R&B and even a touch of hip-hop, giving his sound a distinctive touch. that stays completely in your head.

As if this weren’t enough, Lyrics are also important in Go-Jo’s music, as she manages to hook us by writing emotionally and introspectively about some of her own personal experiences and relationships. And without a doubt, much of what the vast majority have experienced, regardless of their place of origin.

In addition, we must recognize Go-Jo’s enormous ability to take advantage of social networks and the rise of TikTok, because probably if he had not uploaded videos to said application, it might have taken us even more years to find him. They definitely have to listen to his proposal and keep his name very well, because it is a matter of time before he makes the leap to the big leagues.

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