Are you looking for a job in the Federal government and you only studied until high school or high school? Well, the Welfare Secretariat Now it has job vacancies for people with this degree with salaries of up to 35 thousand pesos per month.

These offers were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 10 and in the publication the charges and requirements are disclosed.

In The Truth NewsWe also inform that the vacancies that were offered are six and they are from the Welfare Secretariat, and salaries range from 14,000 to 35,000 pesos.

Job offers for people with a baccalaureate

Jobs are for people with high school only

To apply to these job offers offered by the Ministry of Well-being, you must know the requirements that are requested in depth, application dates and the calendar to take the tests and exams.

The first vacancy is for people with a high school or high school diploma, and it is in the sub-directorate of Monitoring of Financial Institutions, Investment Funds and Reinvestment with a monthly salary of 35 thousand 448 pesos.

The most important functions are to supervise and monitor that the registered financial entities comply with the sending of financial information as well as coordinate the management and processing of the information that is received in the sub-directorate.

The second job pays a monthly salary of 23 thousand 274 pesos in the position of the Department of Administration of Local Networks, and the requirements are to supervise the connections of the computer equipment, verify that the local data network is not misused, maintain the network cabling structure and manage user accounts on servers.

The third job has a salary of 14 thousand 216 pesos in the position of Administrative Support Liaison for the General Coordination, and the requirements are to register the documentation of the matters referred to the area addresses, to review the delivery of the matters referred to the administrative units, support the general coordinator in the registration of matters and review administrative matters of financial, material and human resources.

Another job available in the Ministry of Well-being is Design Link and Development of Commercial Events with a monthly salary of 14 thousand 216 pesos and the requirements are to investigate information on models, instruments and tools by reviewing and documenting information from various sources. sources to prepare proposals for commercial events.

The last vacancy for the Welfare Secretariat is as a Project Development Liaison and pays a monthly salary of 14 thousand 216 pesos and among the requirements are gathering information on methodologies, programs and activities by looking for practical cases to integrate incubation programs and development of projects, as well as compiling proposals for operational actions.

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Welfare Secretariat and the temporary employment program

Welfare Secretariat: These are jobs of 35 thousand pesos for people with high school

This type of work is temporary

The Temporary Employment Program (PET) seeks the well-being of men and women who experience a reduction in their income, and of the affected population through temporary economic support for their participation in benefit projects, whether family or community.

This economic support consists of wages equivalent to 99% of a general daily minimum wage in force and is intended to mitigate the economic and social impact of people 16 years of age or older who have decreased income or assets, which is caused by adverse social and economic situations, emergencies or disasters.

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