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What are Guido Kaczka’s intentions after his vacation from El Trece

in the last few months Guido Kaczka He managed to position himself as one of the most important names in El Trece. The little star channel is in the middle of a bitter fight against Telefe after the premiere of “Big Brother”, and “Los 8 Escalones” is the only program that seems to attract new viewers.

Despite going far behind “Big Brother” it is the only cycle that fights him on an equal footing.

Now it was learned that in order to stay on top and try to fight as close as possible to the signal giant Paramount, the driver is preparing, together with his production company, a series of changes to revitalize the program and to attract even more people. Some of the modifications that could occur in this cycle of Guido Kaczka is to bring younger and also elderly participants.

during the last few weeks the presenter of El Trece He was away from the cameras where it was decided to take a vacation before returning with everything to the small screen. But despite this, it already seems to have a return date because it was learned that February 13 Guido Kaczka I would go back to television again.

Kuarzo’s partner has been looking for new ways to improve the format for several months now, with one of the ideas he had worked on was for Carmen Barbieri to take control of one of the afternoon cycles. However, the diva rejected this proposal after suffering several health problems due to overwork. They also increased the prizes and modified some rules such as the change in the returns if you win one of the broadcasts.

The guests

Despite the fact that he moved away from television screens for a while, the reality is that guy He does not usually leave the things he prepares on his show to chance, and that is why before his departure he decided to choose several guests who will replace him to keep the cycle fluid during his absence.

Gladys is one of the names that would replace Guido on vacation.

According to the newspaper Crónica some of these guests would be Claudio María Domínguez, Gladys la Bomba Tucumana and Silvia Fernández Barrio.

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