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What has FIFA 23 done to the pro soccer players?

Finally, the National Women’s Soccer League has been included in FIFA 23. But the implementation leaves a lot to be desired. Many of the players react to their models in-game and are appalled at the result.

Stuff nightmares are made of?

The players in the game bear little resemblance to their real-life counterparts. They feel underrepresented, such as Houston Dash player Caprice Dydasco, a Hawaiian pro player who is portrayed as being far more fair-skinned than she actually is.

“I’m grateful that EA Sports is finally including the NWSL, but this doesn’t represent me,” writes Dydasco, who identifies as “predominantly Asian.” For comparison, she posted a picture of herself that shows the difference in skin tone.

Former USWNT player Sydney Leroux of Angel City FC also collected reactions from several players and posted them on Twitter.

“Found my long lost twin! Obviously fraternal,” wrote the Portland Thorns’ Janine Beckie in a tweet. Leroux’s teammate Madison Hammond urged fans to look for her in-game because whatever that woman is in FIFA 23, it’s most definitely not her.

More about FIFA 23:

FIFA 23: Now with more women’s football – UWCL and NWSL are here

EA Sports FC: FIFA’s new ‘e-game’ aims to be the best ‘for all girls and boys’

FIFA 23: What Happens to Loot Boxes? Austria classifies them as illegal gambling

Leroux herself couldn’t help but make a few comments, writing about her own avatar: “You’re going to scare my kids.” The professional player finds her old model significantly better. After all, FIFA took over the headband, the braid, her tattoo on her neck and her plucked eyebrows. Only the breasts are a bit too big.

With goalkeeper Kailen Sheridan, didn’t FIFA seize the opportunity and did a great job with their model? Maybe the hair was even packed too tightly here, because the player is simply shown with a bald head.

Electronic Arts hasn’t really done a brilliant job here, but some fans are sure that FIFA will continue to provide the right faces bit by bit.

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