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What is dyscalculia, the disorder that Arn Piper suffers from?

What is dyscalculia, the disorder that Arn Piper suffers from?

La fame assault a Arn Piper following the media blow caused by the acting diligence of lite in 2018, commanded by Ester Expsito, Miguel Bernardeau, Mara Pedraza, etc. However, the Spanish-German interpreter is an old acquaintance of the national cinema: all by 2013, with only 16 years, incarnated as Jon 15 years and one dayby Gracia Querejeta, film that represented Spain at the Oscars and earned young Piper a nomination for the Goya for best original song. Spain has known him for a long time. And yet he continues to surprise the country with new revelations. The last one, a curious illness that he suffers from.

It was Piper himself who revealed his condition in The Anthillin front of Pablo Motos and accompanied by his premiere partner If Manuel Poga. About the tape that led them to be interviewed, The mail, the conversation continued until the driver broke the silence with a question about the aforementioned particular pathology. The dyscalculia. And Piper made the explanation brief: It is a kind of dyslexia with numbers.

Although the synthesis that the actor makes is as brief as it is accurate, its scientific reality goes much further. Is about a neurological condition that complicates the understanding of mathematics through the confusion between signs and numbers. The main consequence is the difficulty in performing mental calculations and imagining abstractions, but on a day-to-day basis it has much more frequent and everyday translations.

Piper did not hide the complexities that dyscalculia entails on this routine level. I can easily be scammed with money, all the arrangements are done by my representativehe said, to which he added, in the form of comparison, an example that differentiates his way of seeing things from that of the rest: I imagine that everyone makes some movements in their head to calculate that I don’t do. I will do other things, I go around a thousand times, but I don’t reach the goal.

Types of dyscalculia and symptoms

The problem is not so much the difficulty of understanding the numbers, which it is, but the relationship between them, as well as their organization and registration. Due to the barrier that this represents in the collection of information, dyscalculia is defined as a learning disorder; and, as such, it presents a convoluted symptomatic structure and per se.

Actually, This disease can present in different waysall of them with dysfunction in neuronal connections as a common factor: verbal (inability to understand mathematical concepts orally), practognstica (difficulty manipulating objects that require comparisons between quantities or sizes), logic (too much to read them), ideognstica (mental calculation) and operational (distinguish mathematical procedures in a problem).

And it goes further. The symptoms transcend, in some cases, the numerical: complications in understanding instructions, ease of getting lost in carrying out a task, delays in the time planned for them and even challenging reactions on an emotional level as a result of rage unleashed by not being able to contemplate what the disorder prevents. Precisely to avoid this last stage, as well as any type of logical and psychological consequence, It is advisable to treat it from an early agesomething that Piper applied to the point that this pathology has gone unnoticed until 2024. No matter how much fame assailed him some time ago.

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