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What is happening with the election results in Venezuela? The reason why Maduro’s victory is accused of fraud

What is happening with the election results in Venezuela? The reason why Maduro's victory is accused of fraud

Nicols Maduro has won the elections presidential elections in Venezuela with 51.20% of the votesaccording to the official results announced a few hours ago by the National Electoral Council (CNE) -controlled by the Government Chavist– con 80% of the ballots counted.

Specifically, Maduro would have obtained 5.1 million votes, ahead of the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who has achieved 4.4 million voteswhich means 44% of the ballots. In these elections, the participation has been placed in a 59%more than 10 percentage points than in the previous elections.


EFE Agency

They have violated all the rules

Opposition leaders have denounced electoral fraud and several passes (United States, Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile or Peru, among others) have assured that no They recognize Maduro’s re-election for a new presidential term.

The reason? It is clear: Gonzalez Urrutia has denounced that all the rules have been violated, to the point that he still Most of the minutes have not been delivered. Venezuelans and the entire world You know what happened in today’s election daythe main opposition candidate has qualified.

To take into account: data

The diplomatwho was next to his main guardian, the anti-Chavez leader Mara Corina Machadohas strongly stated that his struggle continue and we will not rest until the will of the people of Venezuela be respected.

At the same time, Machado has urged the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) to enforce the popular sovereign expressed in the presidential elections. In his opinion, the CNE’s announcement is impossiblesince, according to more than 40% of the minutes they have received, Gonzalez Urrutia would have obtained 70% of the voteswhile Maduro would have achieved 30%.

The position of other countries

In almost the same line Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru and Costa Rica have spoken out. They have all questioned transparency and legitimacy of the electoral process and have described it as fraudulent and that does not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people.

On social media, information has circulated that some electoral officials in polling stations clavesuch as the largest in the capital, the Rafael Napolen Baute school, have refused outright rotunda to deliver the counts in paper to election observers.

The relevance of the CNE

The CNE, It should be noted that it is headed by a former ally of Maduro. Although the type of vote (double, electronic and on paper) makes fraud difficult at the time of counting, the Chavista government has made great efforts to tilt all the results in his favor for weeks.

Sincluding the arrest of members of the opposition campaign or the veto of the vast majority of voters living abroad. In terms of data, only 69,000 Venezuelans had been authorized to vote in embassies and consulates out from Venezuela.

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