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What is Sara Corrales’s message about karma that could bother Irina Baeva

The rumors of the end of the courtship of Gabriel Soto and Irina Baeva, who had plans to get married; Although both looked very much in love in the places where they were seen, as well as their social networks, it seems that there is nothing left of that love. Although the deterioration of the relationship could be due to various factors, many point to the person responsible for Sarah Corralesrecording partner of the actor in the telenovela “My way is to love you”, where both are a couple.

In the midst of the controversy that has been generated, the Colombian histrionics left a controversial message about karma that could upset the Russian. What exactly did she write? Coming up next, we tell you.

The Colombian’s messages refer to people’s actions (Photo: Sara Corrales / Instagram)


Faced with the wave of criticism towards her person, Sara Corrales referred to the action or transcendent energy that derives from the actions, words and thoughts of people. For this, she used her social networks.

“Karma means that your life is your creation. With your actions and your words you create your reality because everything you do and stop doing is your responsibility; so always be impeccable in your way of acting and do not harm others because we are all one”wrote.

But his message did not end there, since in another publication pointed out that the true hell is not lived after death, but in this life; therefore, if someone did a lot of damage, he will pay more than enough.

“That is why you have to act conscientiously and never enjoy the evil of others, always knowing that both the good and the bad that we do in this life, in this life will be paid”he pointed out.

The histrionisa has earned the affection of the public for her performances in various productions (Photo: Sara Corrales / Instagram)


For the followers of Sara Corrales, these messages would be indirectly directed towards Irina Baeva, who years ago was accused of being the cause of the end of the marriage between Gabriel Soto and Geraldine Bazán.

“Sarita, really about Gabriel Soto? Tell us please. We want to know if you are the JUSTIER”, “Everything that is done comes back so Irina kept participating hahahaha”, “You are the karma of you know who”, “Mexico loves you, you are Irina’s karma. Up Sara and down the Russian!”, “We can’t stand Baeva”, “Beautiful Goddess face and karma face for some people”wrote his followers.

So far, neither Soto nor Baeva have confirmed the end of their courtship, although they have not interacted for a long time; likewise, the actor also does not reveal if he is dating Corrales. Only time will tell.

Irina Baeva and the actor met when they filmed “Vino el amor” together in 2016 (Photo: Gabriel Soto / Instagram)


Geraldine Bazán’s opinion on Sara Corrales, the alleged new romantic interest of her ex-husband, who would have started an affair when he was still with Irina Baeva, is still unknown.

According to celebrity journalist Alex Kaffie, Bazán enrolled in the same gym that Corrales goes to. Will they unite against the Russian actress? He wrote in his column for El Heraldo de México.

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