What to do if the cat claws on the sofa

Cats are truly adorable pets. However, sometimes it’s not that simple to teach them what they can and can’t do. Some of their behaviors can annoy us: just think of when they scratch the sofa and furniture to get their nails done. Today we want to explain in this article what to do to prevent the cat from ruining our sofa. To find out more, continue reading below.

Anyone who lives with a cat will certainly have noticed that they need their own space. Moreover, felines often have a habit of scratching their nails some where it happens. Unfortunately, this habit of theirs can damage furniture and objects that we have at home. We will soon explain the reason for this habit of theirs, but above all how to make them stop.

There are about 7 million Italian families who own a cat. However, seeing the cat destroying the sofa is anything but pleasant. Let’s find out together why they do it how to solve this problem.

Felines often have a habit of scratching their nails wherever they happen to be

Felines often have the habit of scratching their nails wherever they happen

What to do if the cat claws on the furniture: here are the reasons that lead him to behave this way

If sometimes our pet’s behavior may seem strange to us, we must remember that they are felines. Sharpening nails is an instinctive behavior.

This gesture allows him to mark the territory both visually and olfactorily. In addition to leaving their mark, they also emit an imperceptible odor for us.

Therefore, the cat does so to demonstrate that the object and territory are its property. In addition, this gesture allows him to sharpen and clean his claws.

How to prevent the cat from scratching the sofa and other objects: here are the most effective natural remedies

To solve the problem, it is essential own at least one scratching post. Let’s place them in the most strategic places of the house. We use scratching mats to apply on the sides of the sofa: in this way we will solve the problem. This will allow us to distract the cat from the sofa and take him to use the scratching post to sharpen his nails.

If the scratching post wasn’t enough, we can try some interactive games: these will keep him busy and entertain our feline.

Another effective and economical method is to make the sofa unattractive for our cat. Let’s try to cover parts of the sofa that the cat scratches using aluminum foil or with transparent or pvc tape. We can buy a specific one in pet stores, online for a few euros, or proceed using materials we already have at home.

There are about 7 million Italian families who own a cat.

There are about 7 million Italian families who own a cat. – projections of stock exchange. it

How to stop him from scratching the sofa: 3 more foolproof remedies

What to do if the cat does its nails in the house? There are several on the market repellent sprays to buy to discourage the cat in this practice. It will only be necessary to be consistent in using them to solve the problem.

Alternatively, we can use gods DIY remedies with simple natural products. For example, combine 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and lemon juice with half a liter of water. The scent will be pleasant to humans but annoying to felines. Let’s vaporize it 2 times a day around the sofa. Other useful products are wine vinegar and lemongrass.

In the end, we rub some catnip on the scratching posts: its scent will attract the cat and encourage him to use that place to sharpen his nails.


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