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When are the gifts delivered and what should I leave for the Three Wise Men on the tree?

When are the gifts delivered and what should I leave for the Three Wise Men on the tree?

The early morning of January 5th to 6th the magic happens. As each action, Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar will enter the houses of the little ones to fulfill their wishes. and leave them the gifts they have asked for in their letters… and a little coal for those who have misbehaved.

Of course, since we know that they have a lot of work, here are some tips on what to leave for the Three Wise Men under the tree, on the terrace or in the living room so that they can regain their strength:

What to leave to the Three Wise Men so that they can regain their strength

– It is important to know that The Three Wise Men are very sweet, So some nougat or chocolate left over from Christmas won’t hurt at all.

– On nights as cold as the ones we have, a little hot milk can also warm them up, And if mom and dad are encouraged, a little liquor won’t hurt them either.

– We must not forget that the Kings do not travel alone: Their camels are also great protagonists, so let’s not forget a sweep with water for their mounts.

– It also doesn’t hurt to remember the children who have it worst in all parts of the world and leave a note to the Kings asking them to also send some gifts to these most needy children.. Maybe the Kings will leave your parents an address, a card from an NGO so they can make a donation to help them reach the whole world.

– It is also tradition in some places in Spain to leave some socks hanging, either on the Christmas tree or in the living roomwhere Their Majesties can leave some small surprises in addition to the gifts also for mom and dad.

When the gifts of the Three Wise Men are given

– The Kings work all night, so if you’re a kid, We recommend that you sleep well that night and wait until the next morning.. At the latest, at 8 in the morning all the gifts should be in their corresponding place.

– Of course, for the elderly, where there is more confidence, Kings sometimes send their pages in the form of friends who leave them gifts a few hours before so they can start handing them out the night before.

Happy Three Kings Day everyone! We hope you behaved well!

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