Given the taboo surrounding the subject, there are people who question what is the ideal frequency for masturbation.

Leaving religious or moral beliefs aside, we will now focus on the possible benefits of this practice, as well as how often it should be carried out. In The Truth News we tell you more about this.

What are the benefits of masturbating?

The masturbation it is a practice that does not have an established standard frequency. That is, there is no rule that says that all people must masturbate a certain number of times a week. Therefore, people can practice it when they consider it necessary.

Leaving aside the number of times it is carried out, according to various scientific investigations, masturbating with some regularity could be favorable in various areas. Let’s see more about this below.

  • Strengthens the immune system

As indicated by a study by the Department of Medical Psychology at the University of Essen (Germany), the sexual pleasure of masturbation It is associated with an increase in the concentration of leukocytes or white blood cells (blood cells that act against infections).

This increase was observed in men, so it is unknown if this occurs in the same way in women. This is indicated by research such as the one developed by Professor Lorenz and collaborators at the University of Texas at Austin, USA.

  • Helps improve sexual response

In women it has been found that masturbation Targeted therapy may be effective in treating primary anorgasmia (difficulty reaching orgasm). The experiment led by psychologist Barbara L. Andersen, who practices at the University of Illinois, provides evidence in this regard.

On the other hand, the fact of masturbating a number of times (regularly) has been shown to have a positive effect on men with premature ejaculation problems, as exposed by a work carried out by Dr. Gong-Chao Ma’s team.

  • Promotes sleep conciliation

According to a recent survey conducted by the Appleton Institute of Behavioral Sciences (located at the University of Queensland in Australia), self-stimulation before bed is associated with increased quality and duration of sleep.

The differences between genders are also non-existent, which can be taken into account from both positions as a custom to promote a better rest at night.

  • Masturbating a certain number of times improves mood

As happens after having sex, the ‘chemicals’ of well-being are present when pleasure is achieved alone.

For example, a systematic review published by a group of researchers from the University of Tehran gathers evidence in this direction.

And it is that endorphins work as neurotransmitters that are released both in orgasm and when we exercise, laugh or listen to music. Its increase is related to the inhibition of pain, positive emotions, good humor and happiness.

  • Helps reduce stress

Reducing stress levels is one of the best-known benefits of masturbation. The discharge of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, during this practice stimulates the pathways of pleasure and satisfaction at the brain level, which conditions a growing sensation of well-being and relief.

It may interest you: Masturbation: When I ejaculate do I lose muscle mass?

When is it necessary to masturbate?

As in many areas of sex, there are several myths about how many times it is advisable to masturbate, indicating that the ideal would be to do it at least a couple of times a week, etc.

But as we already mentioned, there is no rule that says that all people must masturbate a certain number of times a week or a day. Therefore, everyone is free to do so when they consider it necessary.

Now, as the famous proverb says: “everything in excess is bad”. Therefore, it is advisable not to resort to masturbation with such frequency that it is detrimental to health. To avoid falling into this, it is useful to analyze the behavior that revolves around self-satisfaction, rather than the number of occasions on which it occurs.

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