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Where it gets crowded on the long weekend

Berlin/Munich (dpa/tmn)
Spring, a long weekend and a lot going on on the freeways. This could be the motto for the coming weekend on some routes. Where do drivers need the most patience?

On busy tourist traffic and busier streets you have to be noisy ADAC hire everyone who wants to be on the trunk roads this coming long weekend (April 28th to May 1st). Depending on the weather, many are also likely to set course for local recreation areas and excursion destinations outside of the cities.

The Auto Club Europa (ACE) Day trippers on the side routes and moderate tourist traffic on the trunk roads. Disturbances in the flow of traffic can be expected from Friday to Monday.

More patience is also required in the area of ​​over 1260 construction sites on the motorways. This also applies to motorway closures, such as in the area of ​​the Elbtunnels. The A7 will be completely closed in both directions between Hamburg-Heimfeld and Hamburg-Volkspark from Friday (28 April, 10 p.m., junctions from 9 p.m.) to Monday (1 May, 5 a.m.).

Where and when does it get particularly crowded? The days at a glance:

Friday (April 28): Around the conurbations and on the motorways nationwide, heavy traffic is to be expected from early noon, according to the ACE.

Saturday (April 29): In the direction of the Alps and the German coasts, the ACE expects a moderate volume of travel. The club calls the construction site areas bottlenecks. From the afternoon, the traffic will be significantly less.

Sunday (April 30): There are likely to be many day trippers on the side roads in particular – especially in the local recreation areas. The ACE advises paying more attention to cyclists, motorcyclists and hikers.

Monday (May 1st): Attention excursion traffic – this also applies to the May holiday. Disturbances in the flow of traffic are to be expected in phases both on the motorways and on the secondary routes.

In some places, demonstrations can also lead to short-term local diversions or road closures. Everyone who wants to be on the autobahn in the afternoon has to be prepared for return traffic.

Summarized: The ACE considers delays in the metropolitan areas of Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr, Munich and on the trunk roads to and from the North and Baltic Seas as well as on the following routes (often in both directions) to be possible:

A 1

Cologne – Dortmund – Bremen – Hamburg – Lübeck

A 3

Nuremberg – Würzburg Frankfurt/Main

A 5

Basel – Karlsruhe – Frankfurt/Main

A 6

Nürnberg – Heilbronn – Mannheim – Kaiserslautern

A 7

Füssen – Ulm – Würzburg – Hanover – Hamburg – Flensburg

A 8

Salzburg – Munich – Stuttgart – Karlsruhe

A 61

Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – Ludwigshafen

A 81

Singing – Stuttgart – Heilbronn

A 93

Kiefersfelden – Inntal triangle

A 95/B 2

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Munich

A 99

Bypass Munich

In neighboring countries such as Austria or Switzerland, May 1st also makes the weekend a long one. Therefore, it can get a little crowded there on the classic travel routes. This applies to the Tauern, Inntal and Brenner autobahns, as well as the Fernpass route in Austria and the Gotthard route in Switzerland. According to the ADAC, long traffic jams are unlikely.

As in Germany, construction sites could also delay the journey. This also applies to tunnel closures, such as in Austria, where the Arlberg tunnel on the Arlberg expressway (S16) remains closed for around six months.

According to the ADAC, at least short delays are also likely on the return journey at the borders from Austria to Germany.

You can see how long you have to wait at the Walserberg (Salzburg – Bad Reichenhall), Kiefersfelden (Kufstein Süd – Kiefersfelden) and Suben (Ort i. Innkreis – Pocking) crossings online at the Austrian infrastructure company Asfinag.

About the situation on the Alpenstraßen informs the ACE online.

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