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White Rabbit, Red Rabbit Hits Miami Theater Scene

White Rabbit, Red Rabbit Hits Miami Theater Scene

MIAMI.- The press release sent by Fantasy Theater Factory invites you to a night of revolutionary theater, highlighting that it is an unprecedented event that promises to revolutionize the scene theatrical Miami with the constructions white rabbit, red rabbitby the Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour, based in Berlin, Germany.

This unique work is based on very well-established premises. “A theatrical piece without a director or rehearsals; that must be performed following a strict model: a work for a single performer, who must know nothing about the text or the piece until moments before entering the scene and who is asked to vote of silence once the function has finished.

This piece has been translated into more than 15 languages ​​and performed more than 1,000 times around the world. Some of the interpreters have been Ken Loach, Stephen Fry and Whoopi Goldberg.

Featured scene in the world

In Miami it will be seen at the Sandrell Rivers Theater on Wednesday, March 13, in collaboration with the German theater consultancy Aurora Nova – by the experienced Wolfgang Hoffmann – and the performance of the Argentine actress Micaela Castellotti, known artistically as Micaplum, with a notable career in the field of entertainment, music and television, who currently lives in Miami.

The March 13 program stands out particularly because the play will take place that same day in different venues around the world.

“It is not just a theatrical event; it is an act of global communication, a celebration of the resistance of the human spirit in the face of adversity,” emphasizes Rommel Arelln-Marias, associate artistic director of Fantasy Theater Factory, in the note to the media, remembering the damage that the COVID-19 pandemic caused to the arts industry in general. For this reason, it stands out in the press release that it is an invitation to celebrate diversity, innovation and freedom of expression through the power of art.

Compaa Fantasy Theatre Factory

The Fantasy Theater Factory company has a history of more than 750 annual events, ranging from school presentations to large theater productions. It emphasizes that it is dedicated to democratizing access to the arts, thus enriching the cultural life of more than 150,000 people each year.

White rabbit, red rabbitis presented on Wednesday, March 13, at 8:00 pm at the Sandrell Rivers Theater, 6103 NW 7 Ave, Miami, 33127. Tickets $25, by calling (305) 284-8872 or visiting the portal:

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