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Who is Aprichat Srinuel, Daniel Sancho’s public defender who defends him at his trial in Thailand?

Who is Aprichat Srinuel, Daniel Sancho's public defender who defends him at his trial in Thailand?

The trial against Daniel Sancho for the murder and subsequent dismemberment of the surgeon, Edwin Arrieta, began this Tuesday morning. The Spanish cook, in provisional prison since August, faces a sentence that can even be fatal in the event that Justice sees proven that the crime was premeditated, as well as the subsequent concealment of the body and the destruction of Arrieta’s passport.

In that sense, Sancho’s defense dedicates all its efforts to trying to demonstrate that the death of Arrieta was not a murder, but rather a non-serious reckless homicide, which would translate into a sentence of six years in prison. A lesser evil of which, in addition, one of them would have practically already fulfilled.

The defense of Daniel Sancho falls to the Spanish law firm Marcos Garca-Montes in collaboration with the specialized criminology office of Carmen Balfagn and Ramn Chippirs. However, Their work is not legal representation as traditionally understood, since Thailand does not allow external lawyers to intervene. in the processes that take place in their territory.

For this reason, Sancho had to place his trust in a Thai public defender named Aprichat Srinuel. Although this is the person in charge of exercising defense in Thailand, communication is constant with the two Spanish offices who are on top of the case thanks to the work of a specially appointed translator.

Three lawyers in Thailand

Throughout the judicial process, Daniel Sancho has had three Thai public defenders. The first of them, Khun Anan, He was fired by Rodolfo Sancho and did not hesitate to predict that the Spaniard would be sentenced to the death penalty. The Spanish lawyer did not respect the procedure and publicly criticized my work, trying to damage my reputation, he stated about García-Montes.

His successor was Grit Sudthanom, a new public defender who, according to Spanish lawyers, does not follow the correct line of defense, which triggers a new dismissal. They forced me to assume a defense that I did not share. This main task does not correspond to me, he explained. This last decision to dispense with Sudthanom’s services was November, the month in which he began working with Aprichat Srinuel.

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