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Who is Ismael Serrano, the singer who corrected Alberto Nez Feijo?

Who is Ismael Serrano, the singer who corrected Alberto Nez Feijo?

The author of the verse Today is always still, all life is now. And now, it’s time to keep the promises we made to each other has brought up Ismael Serrano in the Investiture Debate. While the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Nez Feijo, attributed the quote to Antonio Machado, The same singer has claimed through his Twitter account that he is the true author.

Ismael Serrano is one of the best-known singer-songwriters in Spanish music of the late 20th century and early 21st century. Son of the poet and journalist Rodolfo Serrano, he must have taken influence from his father when putting together lyrics that demonstrate extremely complex depth. lFar from singing about love or lack of love, Serrano is a great exponent of protest songs and the denunciation of social injustices.

Throughout his career he has published seventeen studio albums with songs that have become true anthems over time. Inspired by artists such as Joaqun Sabina, Aute or Serrat, he composed songs such as Pap, cuntame otra vez, La llama, Now that I find you or Nieve, among many others.

Dancing between different musical styles, Serrano has also collaborated with artists such as Aute himself, Vctor Manuel, Pablo Alborn and Pasín Vega. He was even nominated for the Goya Award for Best Original Song for the song he composed for the film Km 0, co-directed by Yolanda García Serrano and Juan Luis Iborra.

political activism

Every time he has had the opportunity, Ismael Serrano has shown himself committed to various social causes. He has sung to the Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina, to peace after the Iraq war and 9/11 or to the pain of the city of Madrid and his native Vallecas after the terrible 3/11 attacks. . Also to the Second Spanish Republic and the Cuban Revolutiontwo political systems for which he has expressed his support on several occasions.

In recent years, the political significance of Ismael Serrano has been increasing. In 2011 he joined the 15-M movement and even still defends the political ideas that arose after that citizen mobilization. Years later, in 2021, he came to campaign at one of the public events of Unidas Podemos for the Community of Madrid. Not only did he perform his Pap, tell me again in the Red Square of Vallecas, but he also composed a song to support the candidacy led by Pablo Iglesias.

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