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Who is Jordan Bardella, Le Pen’s successor and candidate to be the next prime minister of France?

Who is Jordan Bardella, Le Pen's successor and candidate to be the next prime minister of France?

The French extreme right is shaking the French political system. Before him success of National Regrouping (RN) In the elections to the European Parliament, Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call early elections with a double round (June 30 and July 7).

Marine Le Penleader of RN, has confirmed that Jordan Bardella to be Prime Minister of France if the extreme right wins the elections, and assured that they are ready to assume power if the French give us their trust. Bardella, a 28-year-old politician, has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019, the year in which he was head of the National Group’s list.

Who is Bardella?

Jordan Bardella was born in 1995 in Drancy, on the outskirts of Paris. From very early on he became interested in politics and 2012 he joined the National Front, current National Group (RN). She began studying geography, but soon abandoned the degree to focus on politics.

He quickly gained importance within RN, being regional councilor, spokesperson and vice president of the party, until in 2019 and at only 23 years old he was named head of his party’s list for the European elections held that year. Shortly after, In 2022, he was elected president of RNand is the right hand of Marine Le Pen.

Bardella and RN have bypassed Macron in the 2024 european electionsachieving 31% of the votes and 30 seats among the 81 French MEPs.

What is Bardella like?

The French politician has exponentially increased his popularity through his social networks. Nicknamed the TikTok politician, he has dedicated himself to sharing speeches on the Internet, and has more than one and a half million followers on TikTok and almost 650,000 on Instagram. On some occasions he has been accused of focusing too much on improving his image and being uninvolved in the European Parliament.

As for his ideologueBardella has always adopted a stance antiimmigracin it is included Islamophobe. He has also advocated reducing climate standards, and has been critical of the functioning of Europe. He himself has wanted to position himself as the great substitute, and it is the great threat to Emmanuel Macron

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