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Who is Plex, the YouTuber who has gone around the world in 80 days

Who is Plex, the YouTuber who has gone around the world in 80 days

Phileas Fogg did it. Also Willy Fogg, his animal alter ego. And Plex. From fear a Asiathen descending to Australia and, only then, heading towards the United States to descend the American continent and place your foot on the last stretch of Argentine land; and from there, again to Europa.

The penultimate stop of YoSoyPlexthe renowned content creator that is sweeping the youngest generations, proof of this is the twelve million followers which he has on YouTube, on this trip around the planet is located on Alcal Street in Madrid. And he has as a companion Pablo Motos.

Before crowning this Thursday with a party at the La Riviera Room from the Spanish capital, where to say goodbye with the artist My mind what has been the trip of his life, he sits in The Anthill to talk about all those things that go through your head when you decide to throw yourself headlong into the madness that is a journey of this magnitude. Among them, who is he himself.

Daniel, a Zamorano boy turned into a Swiss army knife

The identity hidden behind your digital nickname is Daniel Alonso, a boy born on September 20, 2001 in Toro (Zamora) that one day he decided to dedicate himself to his dream. Already in adolescence, she began to record and edit videos, small vlogs, before even finishing high school. A year later followers sprouted like Jack’s magic beans.

Then he made a decision that changed his life: leave his second year of high school and focus on his digital career. I played video games and people watched them. It’s that simple. And that’s how difficult it is. And then he gave more importance to the content that he never stopped doing: vlogs, happy gags and funny videos. And he triumphed.

One of Plex’s best-known episodes in his professional career is the one he starred in with Frank Cuesta last year. The adventurer, also converted into a content creator, accused Toro for having recorded a video with domestic capybaras. (a rodent characterized by its friendly nature and for being the largest that exists).

After an all-out war, Plex decided to apologize. And then a transgenerational friendship was born that has united the Internet and that ended up materializing with the trip that the young boy took to Thailand. before even deciding to go around the world, at Frank’s invitation, to see the sanctuary that the explorer defends tooth and nail. One learned from the other. And everyone who saw the evolution in this discussion ended up drawing the same lesson of friendship.

In addition to going around the world, starring in a soap opera with Frank Cuesta and breaking any type of statistics on YouTube, Plex has also recently tried its luck in the world of urban music. In this sense, it is difficult not to find a teenager who does not know what to respond when he hears and I see him. Airplane Mode y Violent Flow are the names of the two songs with which the young man from Zamora has shown, once again, that he is as versatile as a Swiss army knife. Fogg and Plex are only separated by time.

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