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Who is Trini, the YouTuber that everyone is talking about, and who is behind her?

Who is Trini, the YouTuber that everyone is talking about, and who is behind her?

For a few hours now, a question has been circulating on social networks with a lot of difference from the others. The question, which appears interchangeably on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok, questions the identity of an alleged content creator named Trini who has attracted the attention of Internet users for her alleged adventures.

Behind Trini is content creator Marcos de Vicente, known on TikTok as Kappah. Because the character, as has happened in recent months with models like Aitana López or Emily Valentina, It does not exist in real life, but was part of a plan to promote the author’s content.

Two million people follow me. What if we invent something and spread it throughout the Internet? We invent something harmless, that won’t hurt anyone. Or a youtuber that sounds like itlike Trini, who sounds like a streamer, Kappah began before launching the questions that would later be repeated among the users of the social network.

Who is your favorite youtuber? Trini. Have you seen what happened with Trini?, the content creator insistently repeats, urging his followers to collaborate with the fallacy. Influencers like Natalia Osona or her namesake, Natalia Palacios, have followed Marcos de Vicente’s guidelines, creating even more confusion regarding Trini’s identity.

The popularity of the story has reached a point that dozens of users have joked about the possibility of them being Trini. Last Sunday afternoon, her name was trending and there were more than 11,000 tweets with the word. Corporate accounts, such as ING Direct or Jggermeister, also joined the joke. I don’t know why you dislike Trini so much, if she always invites, they wrote from the profile of the alcoholic drink.

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