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"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?": Jauch threatened with disqualification

Actually, he didn’t want to be on the council chair at all, explains the Swiss “Who wants to be a millionaire?” candidate Emanuel Sawalt. Jauch suggests that he could flee during the commercial break – and is amazed when the candidate and two guests actually leave…

“Isn’t there a separate WWM in Switzerland?” he asked Günther Jauch with his candidate. Emanuel Sawalt knew nothing about a Swiss version of the quiz show “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. The moderator warned the 33-year-old of a “huge handicap in Switzerland”: profits from television programs would automatically be taxed at 30 percent, while candidates residing in Germany could keep their winnings for themselves, Jauch lectured. “Finally a disadvantage in Switzerland,” he said with a grin. “Unless you never come back and squander the million here.”

The lawyer from the neighboring country works as a research assistant at the University of Zurich. He had brought his “heart lady Patricia”. It’s not always easy with him, as the Smalltalk contribution revealed after the 500 euro mark. The candidate open-heartedly admitted that he was so upset, especially in the mornings, that he was surprised that he hadn’t “landed in some facility” yet. His quirky whim: “I bathe every morning since childhood.” Always there: his three rubber ducks. “I push them back and forth, drink coffee and smoke in the bathtub, that’s how the day can start,” said Emanuel Sawalt about his quirk.

The only exception is that day, because his hotel room was not equipped with a bathtub. A tragedy for him! Jauch wanted to know from the bath captain’s partner how she was coping with this idiosyncratic hobby. “It’s fine now,” said the clerk at the residents’ registration office, the Swiss counterpart to the German residents’ registration office.

Jauch threatens: “If he’s not back after the ad, he’s out”

When he got frustrated before the 1,000 euro question was answered, Emanuel Sawalt admitted that he had already thought about the performance of his Rate predecessor: “Actually, I don’t have to go there.” Gabriele Bärnwick achieved a whopping 64,000 euros. “You can also get up and go during the show without a reason, for example now in advertising,” suggested Günther Jauch. “We’ll never see you again and you’ll be immersed in the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” enter.”

Emanuel Sawalt actually went! However, he didn’t completely flee the studio: “That would be something, but I really have to pee.” Jauch threatened: “If he’s not back after the ad, he’s out.” When two women from the audience joined the candidate for a pee break, Jauch cried out in irritation: “Mass exodus! Oh no!” When Emanuel Sawalt took his seat again, the moderator claimed: “We were worried that you would take a full bath in the meantime.”

“Who wants to be a millionaire”: Candidate considers skat a drinking game

Unbathed, the Swiss met the 4,000 euro question: “Who is characterized by taker qualities – in accordance with the origin of the term?” Skat players, boxers, speculators or freeloaders? The additional joker didn’t help much: 51 percent of the swarm intelligence were for “parasites”, 41 percent for “boxers”. Despite fewer votes, the candidate thought the latter more likely. He also interpreted Jauch’s statement that he had expected a clearer vote than a wink with the fence post. “I have ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’ haven’t looked for a long time,” Emanuel Sawalt began and was promptly interrupted by Günther Jauch: “Great, thank you very much! You score points here.”

Actually, Sawalt just wanted to express his thesis that Jauch was just helping him. But the moderator said no. The insecure candidate pushed the 50:50 joker afterwards. A good idea, because the audience’s most popular answer “Schmarotzer” was dropped. Boxers and skat players remained. “I have no idea, I don’t even know how to play it,” said the Swiss. “I think that’s something very German.” Jauch agreed. The candidate assumed: “It’s about drinking.” When Jauch, in mock indignation, insisted that it was a serious card game, Emanuel Sawalt apologized.

Sister mocks candidate: “How’s he doing, little one?”

The next embarrassment was his own sister. As a telephone joker, she was supposed to answer the 8,000 euro question: “Which family is the focus of the ‘House of the Dragon’ series?” The choices were: Targaryen, Baggins, Soprano, Simpson. “How’s he doing, little one?” Big sister Annine asked. When Jauch replied that Swalt was getting in his own way, she commented, “Yes, I know that.” Jauch reported from the eBrother’s first morning without a bath ritual. “Oh my god, that explains everything,” she said, amused. “Now he’s excited and now it’s up to the big sister to fix it?”

In fact, the older sister said “Targaryen” correctly before Jauch could even recite all four possible answers. “You need to watch more TV,” she recommended. Little Brother’s Revenge: “No, that makes you stupid.” The audience was loudly amused, but what Emanuel Sawalt had not considered: he not only insulted his sister with a wink, but also Jauch’s professional honor. He promptly countered: “Off, off! The first disqualification in the history of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire!'” Luckily just a joke.

“Who wants to be a millionaire” candidate uses TV appearance to find a partner

On the way to the last question, Sawalt was allowed to show his robot dancing skills (popping and locking) and tell a joke from his youth. A classic among the sins of youth: he had woken up with a hangover and found that he had had a star tattooed on his upper arm while drunk.

The 64,000 euro question: “What is usually in a so-called pouch bag?” Dirty laundry, banknotes and coins, synovial fluid, cat food? Since Emanuel Sawalt considered all four options possible, he was satisfied with 32,000 euros. Minus taxes, Günther Jauch pointed out: “There were only about 20,000 that ended up in your account in Switzerland.” Still plenty of money for plenty of bath products. Sawalt would have chosen “synovial fluid”. Cat food would be correct.

Before Emanuel Sawalt, Gabriele Bärnwick had earned 64,000 euros. In addition, the Single lady from Ravensburg made her TV appearance to announce that interested gentlemen could get in touchwho they want to invite to dinner. The triumph of Dominik Seefeld from Stuttgart was interrupted by the end of the broadcasting time. Next time he can play for 32,000 euros. Before that he was allowed to show his talent on the limbo bar.

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